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This python3 script helps create snapshots in an elasticsearch cluster. Setting up elasticsearch and creating a snapshot repository are covered in the [elasticsearch documentation]( If a snapshot is already in progress it will sleep for 5 minutes and try again.
- requires the requests library to be installed
- The default behavior is to get a list of snapshots for localhost and the backups snapshot repository
- snapshots are created with at least a minimum of meta data: {taken_by: username, taken_because: 'Snapshot updated <timestamp> for: not specified}
- This script assumes indices are named with dates in the form indexname-YYYY.MM.DD so it can use the period to select indices
- `--testing` flag allows a comma separated list of indices to be supplied. In this case, the period will be used only for the snapshot name.
- optional args and default values:
$ python3 [optional args]
(-a|--action=list) snapshot action to perform (list, create, restore)
(-i test* |--index=test*) index name pattern to work on
(-l backups|--location=backups) snapshot repository name
(-n|--noop) do not actually perform the API call but print it to stdout
(-p|--period=2020.01) period for snapshot, unless --testing every index matching pattern indexname*-<period>* is implied
(-r|--reason='not specified') snapshot reason for inclusion in metadata
(-t|--testing=False) allows specifying multiple index names in --index
(-v|--verbose=False) get verbose output to std out
- examples:
$ python3
# returns a list of the snapshots from localhost:9200
$ python3 --action create --index filebeat* --period 2020.08
# creates a snapshot named filebeat-2020.08-<timestamp> that includes all indices that match the pattern filebeat*-2020.08*
$ python3 -a create -i metricbeat* -p 2020.08 -l my_snapshots -v
# creates a snapshot named metricbeat-2020.08-<timestamp> in the snapshot repository named my_snapshots. This snapshot will contain any index that matches the pattern metricbeat*-2020.08. Verbose output will be printed to standard output