try: import http.cookiejar as cookielib except ImportError: import cookielib import urllib, json, re, datetime, sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pyquery import PyQuery class TweetCriteria: def __init__(self): self.maxTweets = 0 def setUsername(self, username): self.username = username return self def setSince(self, since): self.since = since return self def setUntil(self, until): self.until = until return self def setQuerySearch(self, querySearch): self.querySearch = querySearch return self def setMaxTweets(self, maxTweets): self.maxTweets = maxTweets return self def setLang(self, Lang): self.lang = Lang return self def setTopTweets(self, topTweets): self.topTweets = topTweets return self class Tweet: def __init__(self): pass class TweetManager: def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def getTweets(tweetCriteria, receiveBuffer=None, bufferLength=100, proxy=None): """Return the list of tweets retrieved by using an instance of TwitterCriteria""" refreshCursor = '' results = [] resultsAux = [] cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar() if hasattr( tweetCriteria, 'username') and (tweetCriteria.username.startswith("\'") or tweetCriteria.username.startswith("\"")) and ( tweetCriteria.username.endswith("\'") or tweetCriteria.username.endswith("\"")): tweetCriteria.username = tweetCriteria.username[1:-1] active = True while active: json = TweetManager.getJsonReponse(tweetCriteria, refreshCursor, cookieJar, proxy) if len(json['items_html'].strip()) == 0: break refreshCursor = json['min_position'] scrapedTweets = PyQuery(json['items_html']) #Remove incomplete tweets withheld by Twitter Guidelines scrapedTweets.remove('div.withheld-tweet') tweets = scrapedTweets('div.js-stream-tweet') if len(tweets) == 0: break for tweetHTML in tweets: tweetPQ = PyQuery(tweetHTML) tweet = Tweet() usernameTweet = tweetPQ("span:first.username.u-dir b").text() txt = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", tweetPQ("p.js-tweet-text").text().replace( '# ', '#').replace('@ ', '@')) retweets = int( tweetPQ( "span.ProfileTweet-action--retweet span.ProfileTweet-actionCount" ).attr("data-tweet-stat-count").replace(",", "")) favorites = int( tweetPQ( "span.ProfileTweet-action--favorite span.ProfileTweet-actionCount" ).attr("data-tweet-stat-count").replace(",", "")) dateSec = int( tweetPQ("small.time span.js-short-timestamp").attr( "data-time")) id = tweetPQ.attr("data-tweet-id") permalink = tweetPQ.attr("data-permalink-path") geo = '' geoSpan = tweetPQ('span.Tweet-geo') if len(geoSpan) > 0: geo = geoSpan.attr('title') = id tweet.permalink = '' + permalink tweet.username = usernameTweet tweet.text = txt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dateSec) tweet.retweets = retweets tweet.favorites = favorites tweet.mentions = " ".join( re.compile('(@\\w*)').findall(tweet.text)) tweet.hashtags = " ".join( re.compile('(#\\w*)').findall(tweet.text)) tweet.geo = geo results.append(tweet) resultsAux.append(tweet) if receiveBuffer and len(resultsAux) >= bufferLength: receiveBuffer(resultsAux) resultsAux = [] if tweetCriteria.maxTweets > 0 and len( results) >= tweetCriteria.maxTweets: active = False break if receiveBuffer and len(resultsAux) > 0: receiveBuffer(resultsAux) return results @staticmethod def getJsonReponse(tweetCriteria, refreshCursor, cookieJar, proxy): """Actually obtains the tweets and returns an object that can be read""" url = "" urlGetData = '' if hasattr(tweetCriteria, 'username'): urlGetData += ' from:' + tweetCriteria.username if hasattr(tweetCriteria, 'querySearch'): urlGetData += ' ' + tweetCriteria.querySearch if hasattr(tweetCriteria, 'near'): urlGetData += "&near:" + tweetCriteria.near + " within:" + tweetCriteria.within if hasattr(tweetCriteria, 'since'): urlGetData += ' since:' + tweetCriteria.since if hasattr(tweetCriteria, 'until'): urlGetData += ' until:' + tweetCriteria.until if hasattr(tweetCriteria, 'topTweets'): if tweetCriteria.topTweets: url = "" url = url % (urllib.parse.quote(urlGetData), refreshCursor) headers = [('Host', ""), ('User-Agent', "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)"), ('Accept', "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"), ('Accept-Language', "de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"), ('X-Requested-With', "XMLHttpRequest"), ('Referer', url), ('Connection', "keep-alive")] if proxy: opener = urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler({ 'http': proxy, 'https': proxy }), urllib.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookieJar)) else: opener = urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookieJar)) opener.addheaders = headers try: response = jsonResponse = except: print( "Twitter weird response. Try to see on browser:" % urllib.parse.quote(urlGetData)) sys.exit() return dataJson = json.loads(jsonResponse) return dataJson class TweetObtain: def __init__(self): pass def TweetObtain_function(self,videogame): """Returns a clean dataframe for analysis using TweetCriteria and TweetManager""" print(videogame) tweet_date = [] tweet_text = [] tweetCriteria = TweetCriteria().setQuerySearch(videogame[0]). \ setSince(videogame[1]).setUntil(videogame[2]).setMaxTweets(1000) tweets = TweetManager().getTweets(tweetCriteria) for tweet in tweets: tweet_date.append( tweet_text.append(tweet.text) df = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((tweet_date, tweet_text))) df['name'] = videogame[0] df['start_date'] = videogame[1] df['end_date'] = videogame[2] return df