# Simple caesar Cipher [En,De]coder A simple implementation of a CLI tool to work with caesar ciphers. The default implementation is ROT-13, but can be adjusted for any offset. Works on files and string arguments passed via CLI. ```bash python3 caesar.py usage: caesar.py [-h] [-d] [-o OFFSET] (-f FILE | -s STRING) caesar.py: error: one of the arguments -f/--file -s/--string is required ``` ```bash python3 caesar.py -s "have you tried turning it off and on again?" unir lbh gevrq gheavat vg bss naq ba ntnva? ``` ```bash python3 caesar.py -d -s "unir lbh gevrq gheavat vg bss naq ba ntnva?" have you tried turning it off and on again? ``` ```bash python3 caesar.py -s "have you tried turning it off and on again?" -o -4 dwra ukq pneaz pqnjejc ep kbb wjz kj wcwej? ```