import random chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!@#$%^&*()-=_+`~[]{]\|;:,<.>/?' welcomeMessage = "Welcome to the Password Generator!" detailsMessage = "This program will generate a secure password using a random arrangement of letters (CAPS ON & caps off), numbers, and punctuations." creatorMessage = "Created by Professor Renderer on October 3rd, 2018." print(welcomeMessage + '\n' + detailsMessage + '\n' + creatorMessage + '\n') exitMessage = 0 passwordGeneratorUsage = 1 passwordGeneratorPrompt = 1 while exitMessage != 1: while passwordGeneratorUsage == 1: passwordGeneratorPrompt = 1 passwordNum = input('How many passwords would you like to generate? ') passwordNum = int(passwordNum) passwordLength = input('How long will the password(s) be? ') passwordLength = int(passwordLength) print('\n') print('Here are your password(s): \n') passwordFile = open('Passwords.txt', 'w') for p in range(passwordNum): password = '' for c in range(passwordLength): password += random.choice(chars) print(password) passwordFile.write(password + '\n') passwordFile.close() print('\n') while passwordGeneratorPrompt == 1: getContinue = input('Do you want to use the Password Generator again? (Y/N)') print('\n') if getContinue == "Y" or getContinue == "y": passwordGeneratorPrompt = 0 print('\n') elif getContinue == "N" or getContinue == "n": exitMessage = 1 passwordGeneratorUsage = 0 passwordGeneratorPrompt = 0 else: print("Please enter 'Y' or 'N.'\n") print('\n') print('Thank you for using the Password Generator. Have a nice day!')