## Test Your Internet Speed using Python
<img src="https://b.cdnst.net/images/share-logo.png"
     alt="speedtest image"/>

This is a simple but powerful and efficient python program.
You can test your internet bandwidth speed with this script i wrote using just a single command, you will also get a bunch of good options to choose from and the test will be performed with the help of speedtest-cli module in python.

- Test Download Speed
- Test Upload Speed
- Test Server Pings
- Results in Mbps(Mega bits per second)

#### How to use

- Clone the repo or download the zip 
- Navigate to the folder of the program in terminal/cmd.
- Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the command python TestMySpeed.py

(Note: You will need to have python 3 installed and if you are on a unix based OS (macOS, or linux) you may need to run the command using python3 TestMySpeed.py)