# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import openpyxl
import sys

print("This programme writes the data in any Comma-separated value file (such as: .csv or .data) to a Excel file.")
print("The input and output files must be in the same directory of the python file for the programme to work.\n")

csv_name = input("Name of the CSV file for input (with the extension): ")
sep = input("Seperator of the CSV file: ")
excel_name = input("Name of the excel file for output (with the extension): ")
sheet_name = input("Name of the excel sheet for output: ")

#opening the files
	wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_name)
	sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name)

	file = open(csv_name,"r",encoding = "utf-8")
	print("File Error!")

#rows and columns
row = 1
column = 1

#for each line in the file
for line in file:
	#remove the \n from the line and make it a list with the seperator
	line = line[:-1]
	line = line.split(sep)

	#for each data in the line
	for data in line:
		#write the data to the cell
		sheet.cell(row,column).value = data
		#after each data column number increases by 1
		column += 1

	#to write the next line column number is set to 1 and row number is increased by 1
	column = 1
	row += 1

#saving the excel file and closing the csv file