Awesome-Python-Scripts/To Do Bot/
Akshath fdf0ccb570 Revert "Resolving conflict"
This reverts commit a0d4e04a3c.
2023-10-25 10:14:56 +05:30

129 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File

import json
import requests
import time
import urllib
from dbhelper import DBHelper
import datetime
import os
db = DBHelper()
TOKEN = os.environ['TOKEN']
URL = "{}/".format(TOKEN)
def get_url(url):
response = requests.get(url)
content = response.content.decode("utf8")
return content
def get_json_from_url(url):
content = get_url(url)
js = json.loads(content)
return js
def get_updates(offset=None):
url = URL + "getUpdates"
if offset:
url += "?offset={}".format(offset)
js = get_json_from_url(url)
return js
def get_last_update_id(updates):
update_ids = []
for update in updates["result"]:
return max(update_ids)
def handle_updates(updates):
text = ""
for update in updates["result"]:
text = update["message"]["text"]
except Exception as e:
chat = update["message"]["chat"]["id"]
if text.startswith("/delete"):
t = text.split(" ")
if len(t) < 2:
send_message("Delete Item Properly.", chat)
items = db.get_items(chat)
if items == []:
send_message("Nothing to Delete.", chat)
elif t[1] in items[0]:
db.delete_item(t[1], chat)
send_message("Item " + t[1] + " Deleted Successfully.", chat)
send_message("Item Not Found.", chat)
elif text == "/start":
send_message("Send /help to show help.", chat)
elif text == "/help":
message = "Send /add item_name due_date(dd-mm-yyyy) to add an item.\nSend /show to display items in to-do list.\nSend /due to check remaining days of each item.\nSend /delele to delete item."
send_message(message, chat)
elif text == "/show":
items = db.get_items(chat)
if items == []:
send_message("Nothing to show.", chat)
for i in range(len(items)):
message = items[i][0] + " " + items[i][1]
send_message(message, chat)
elif text == "/due":
items = db.get_items(chat)
due = [0 for _ in range(0, len(items))]
if items == []:
send_message("Nothing to show.", chat)
today ="%d-%m-%Y")
for i in range(0, len(items)):
due[i] = (datetime.datetime.strptime(items[i][1], "%d-%m-%Y") -
datetime.datetime.strptime(today, "%d-%m-%Y")).days
message = items[i][0] + " " + str(due[i]) + " days Remaining"
send_message(message, chat)
elif text.startswith("/add"):
t = text.split(" ")
if len(t) < 3:
send_message("Insert Item Properly.\nSend /add item_name due_date to add an item.", chat)
elif len(t[1]) < 1 or len(t[2]) < 1:
send_message("Insert Item Properly.\nSend /add item_name due_date to add an item.", chat)
db.add_item(t[1], t[2], chat)
send_message("Item " + t[1] + " Inserted Successfully.", chat)
send_message("Not a valid Input.", chat)
def get_last_chat_id_and_text(updates):
num_updates = len(updates["result"])
last_update = num_updates - 1
text = updates["result"][last_update]["message"]["text"]
chat_id = updates["result"][last_update]["message"]["chat"]["id"]
return text, chat_id
def send_message(text, chat_id, reply_markup=None):
text = urllib.parse.quote_plus(text)
url = URL + "sendMessage?text={}&chat_id={}&parse_mode=Markdown".format(text, chat_id)
if reply_markup:
url += "&reply_markup={}".format(reply_markup)
def main():
last_update_id = None
while True:
updates = get_updates(last_update_id)
if len(updates["result"]) > 0:
last_update_id = get_last_update_id(updates) + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':