30 lines
1009 B

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import time
filename_script = './start.sh' # the script that will be executed
filename_script_output = './log.txt'
filename_own_input = 'command.txt' # the file this script periodically reads from
stop_command = b'stop\n' # must be a binary string
exit_keyword = 'stop'
with open(filename_own_input, 'w') as f:
f.write('') # reset content of file and create it if needed
fd_script_output = open(filename_script_output, 'w') # create file descriptor for script to write its stdout to
script_process = subprocess.Popen( # start new process running script
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, # needed for script_process.communicate() (see below)
stdout=fd_script_output # redirect output
while True:
with open(filename_own_input, 'r') as f:
if exit_keyword in f.read(): # check if we should exit
script_process.communicate(input=stop_command) # stop subprocess and wait for it to terminate