- A containerized InfluxDB instance for storing Telegraf data, which can be defined in Grafana as datasource (just specify `http://influxdb:8086`). Default database is `telegraf`. Default username is `telegrafuser`. Default password is `MyStrongTelegrafPassword`. Defaults can be changed in `/volume-data/influxdb/init/create-database.iql`.
- A containerized Promtail instance that can fetch various log files (bind mounted into the promtail container from your docker host server) and send them into the Loki container (e.g. /var/log/auth.log or your Traefik reverse proxy logs)
- A containerized Loki instance for storing Promtail log data, which can be defined in Grafana as datasource (just specify `http://loki:3100`). No authentication enabled per default.
Finally, after configuring InfluxDB and Loki as datasources on Grafana, you can just import the provided `Grafana_Dashboard_Template.json` dashboard template YAML file in Grafana by browsing Your dashboard will look like the following: