2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
version : "3.8"
2024-01-19 15:55:43 +01:00
# This docker compose example targets rxresume < 4.0
# For a newer version, please see https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/tree/main/tools/compose
2024-05-21 01:49:43 +02:00
# Make sure that you expose both the client and server container behind the same (sub)domain,
# which is properly resolvable. Otherwise, you'll either receive DNS or CORS errors, as the domain
# cannot be resolved by the containers properly or since the Same Origin Policy (SOP) will prevent
# access from Domain A (client) to Domain B (server). So let both containers run on the same domain
# and tell your reverse proxy (here traefik) that the server container will handle all /api requests.
# If PDF export keeps failing, you may want to enable the `extra_hosts` definition in the client's
# Docker Compose service definition. Specify your domain name and your server's IP address where
# Traefik is listening on TCP/80 and TCP/443. See this GitHub issue here:
# https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/issues/721#issuecomment-1530550167
# Also ensure to create a new resume always as soon as you've changed your setup or the Docker
# Compose file. Older resumes may introduce previous errors, which are false positives and only
# occur for the old resume.
# If you use Nginx Proxy Manager as reverse proxy, may have a read here:
# https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/issues/721#issuecomment-1405283786
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
services :
postgres :
2024-10-01 10:22:38 +02:00
image : postgres:16-alpine
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
container_name : rxresume-db
restart : always
expose :
- 5432
volumes :
- ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/rxresume/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data
healthcheck :
test : [ "CMD-SHELL" , "pg_isready -U postgres" ]
start_period : 15s
interval : 30s
timeout : 30s
retries : 3
environment :
- POSTGRES_DB=postgres
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
networks :
- proxy
server :
image : amruthpillai/reactive-resume:server-latest
container_name : rxresume-server
restart : always
2023-05-02 01:51:26 +02:00
2023-05-02 02:04:10 +02:00
# - "resume.example.com:" # optionally enable if PDF export keeps failing; specify your domain and server's IP address where traefik is running
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
expose :
- 3100
depends_on :
- postgres
environment :
2023-05-02 01:44:52 +02:00
- PUBLIC_URL=http://resume.example.com
- PUBLIC_SERVER_URL=http://resume.example.com/api # only change the subdomain, leave /api as is
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
- POSTGRES_DB=postgres
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
- SECRET_KEY=change-me-to-something-secure
- POSTGRES_HOST=postgres
- JWT_SECRET=change-me-to-something-secure
- MAIL_FROM_NAME=Reactive Resume
- MAIL_FROM_EMAIL=noreply@rxresu.me
networks :
- proxy
labels :
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.rxresume-server.rule=Host(`resume.example.com`) && PathPrefix(`/api`) # only change the subdomain, leave /api as is
- traefik.http.services.rxresume-server.loadbalancer.server.port=3100
- traefik.docker.network=proxy
# Part for optional traefik middlewares
- traefik.http.routers.rxresume-server.middlewares=path-strip # may add local-ipwhitelist@file for access control
- traefik.http.middlewares.path-strip.stripprefix.prefixes=/api
- traefik.http.middlewares.path-strip.stripprefix.forceSlash=false
client :
image : amruthpillai/reactive-resume:client-latest
container_name : rxresume-client
restart : always
2023-05-02 01:39:17 +02:00
2023-05-02 02:04:10 +02:00
# - "resume.example.com:" # # optionally enable if PDF export keeps failing; specify your domain and server's IP address where traefik is running
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
expose :
- 3000
depends_on :
- server
environment :
2023-05-02 01:44:52 +02:00
- PUBLIC_URL=http://resume.example.com
- PUBLIC_SERVER_URL=http://resume.example.com/api # only change the subdomain, leave /api as is
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
networks :
- proxy
labels :
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.rxresume-client.rule=Host(`resume.example.com`)
- traefik.http.services.rxresume-client.loadbalancer.server.port=3000
- traefik.docker.network=proxy
# Part for optional traefik middlewares
#- traefik.http.routers.rxresume-client.middlewares=local-ipwhitelist@file # may enable this middleware for access control
2023-05-02 01:44:52 +02:00
traefik :
image : traefik:v2.10.1
container_name : rxresume-traefik
restart : unless-stopped
command :
- "--log.level=INFO"
- "--api.insecure=true"
- "--providers.docker=true"
- "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
- "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
ports :
- 80 : 80
- 8080 : 8080
environment :
- VIRTUAL_HOST=resume.example.com
networks :
- proxy
volumes :
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
2023-04-28 14:10:52 +02:00
networks :
proxy :
2023-05-02 01:39:17 +02:00
external : true