services: hemmelig: image: hemmeligapp/hemmelig:latest container_name: hemmelig hostname: hemmelig init: true volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/hemmelig/files:/var/tmp/hemmelig/upload/files environment: - SECRET_REDIS_HOST=hemmelig-redis # Override this for your redis host address - SECRET_LOCAL_HOSTNAME= # The local hostname for the fastify instance - SECRET_PORT=3000 # The port number for the fastify instance - SECRET_HOST= # Used for i.e. set cors to your domain name - SECRET_DISABLE_USERS=false # Disable user registration - SECRET_ENABLE_FILE_UPLOAD=true # Enable or disable file upload - SECRET_FILE_SIZE=10 # Set the total allowed upload file size in mb - SECRET_FORCED_LANGUAGE=en # Set the default language for the application - SECRET_JWT_SECRET=!changeme! # Override this for the secret signin JWT tokens for log in - SECRET_MAX_TEXT_SIZE=256 # The max text size for the secret. Is set in kb. i.e. 256 for 256kb ports: - "3000:3000" depends_on: - redis restart: always stop_grace_period: 1m healthcheck: test: "wget -O /dev/null localhost:3000 || exit 1" timeout: 5s retries: 1 #labels: # - traefik.enable=true # - traefik.http.routers.hemmelig.rule=Host(``) # - # - # # Part for optional traefik middlewares # - traefik.http.routers.hemmelig.middlewares=local-ipwhitelist@file,basic-auth@file redis: image: redis container_name: hemmelig-redis hostname: hemmelig-redis init: true # Enable to make redis data persistent volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/hemmelig/redis/:/data command: redis-server --appendonly yes restart: always stop_grace_period: 1m healthcheck: test: "redis-cli ping | grep PONG || exit 1" timeout: 5s retries: 1