# This is a sample configuration file with all possible configuration options. # If you don't want to maintain a file like this you can pass in all variables via Server Variables ## Minimum Configuration, these are required for installation LEAN_PORT = 80 # The port to expose and access Leantime LEAN_APP_URL = 'https://leantime.example.com' # Base URL, only needed for subfolder installation LEAN_APP_DIR = '' # Base of application without trailing slash (used for cookies), e.g, /leantime LEAN_PORT = '8081' LEAN_DEBUG = 0 # Debug flag # Database - MySQL container MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = 'changeme123' # Database password MYSQL_DATABASE = 'leantime' # Database name MYSQL_USER = 'lean' # Database username MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'changeme123' # Database password # Database - leantime container LEAN_DB_HOST = 'leantime_db' # Database host LEAN_DB_USER = 'lean' # Database username (needs to be the same as MYSQL_USER) LEAN_DB_PASSWORD = 'changeme123' # Database password (needs to be the same as MYSQL_PASSWORD) LEAN_DB_DATABASE = 'leantime' # Database name (needs to be the same as MYSQL_DATABASE) LEAN_DB_PORT = '3306' # Database port ## Optional Configuration, you may omit these from your .env file ## Default Settings LEAN_SITENAME = 'Leantime' # Name of your site, can be changed later LEAN_LANGUAGE = 'en-US' # Default language LEAN_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Berlin' # Set default timezone LEAN_ENABLE_MENU_TYPE = false # Enable to specifiy menu on a project by project basis LEAN_SESSION_PASSWORD = '3evBlq9zdUEuzKvVJHWWx3QzsQhturBApxwcws2m' #Salting sessions. Replace with a strong password LEAN_SESSION_EXPIRATION = 28800 # How many seconds after inactivity should we logout? 28800seconds = 8hours LEAN_LOG_PATH = null # Default Log Path (including filename), if not set /logs/error.log will be used ## Look & Feel, these settings are available in the UI and can be overwritten there. LEAN_LOGO_PATH = '/images/logo.svg' # Default logo path, can be changed later LEAN_PRINT_LOGO_URL = '/images/logo.jpg' # Default logo URL use for printing (must be jpg or png format) LEAN_DEFAULT_THEME = 'default' # Default theme LEAN_PRIMARY_COLOR = '#1b75bb' # Primary Theme color LEAN_SECONDARY_COLOR = '#81B1A8' # Secondary Theme Color ## Fileuploads # Local File Uploads LEAN_USER_FILE_PATH = 'userfiles/' # Local relative path to store uploaded files (if not using S3) LEAN_DB_BACKUP_PATH = 'backupdb/' # Local relative path to store backup files, need permission to write # S3 File Uploads # LEAN_USE_S3 = false # Set to true if you want to use S3 instead of local files # LEAN_S3_KEY = '' # S3 Key # LEAN_S3_SECRET = '' # S3 Secret # LEAN_S3_BUCKET = '' # Your S3 bucket # LEAN_S3_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT = false # Sets the endpoint style: false => https://[bucket].[endpoint] ; true => https://[endpoint]/[bucket] # LEAN_S3_REGION = '' # S3 region # LEAN_S3_FOLDER_NAME = '' # Foldername within S3 (can be emtpy) # LEAN_S3_END_POINT = null # S3 EndPoint S3 Compatible (https://sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com) ## Email LEAN_EMAIL_RETURN = '' # Return email address, needs to be valid email address format LEAN_EMAIL_USE_SMTP = false # Use SMTP? If set to false, the default php mail() function will be used LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_HOSTS = '' # SMTP host LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_AUTH = true # SMTP authentication required LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME = '' # SMTP username LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD = '' # SMTP password LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_AUTO_TLS = true # SMTP Enable TLS encryption automatically if a server supports it LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE = '' # SMTP Security protocol (usually one of: TLS, SSL, STARTTLS) LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_SSLNOVERIFY = false # SMTP Allow insecure SSL: Don't verify certificate, accept self-signed, etc. LEAN_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT = '' # Port (usually one of 25, 465, 587, 2526) ## Ldap # LEAN_LDAP_USE_LDAP = false # Set to true if you want to use LDAP # LEAN_LDAP_LDAP_TYPE = 'OL' # Select the correct directory type. Currently Supported: OL - OpenLdap, AD - Active Directory # LEAN_LDAP_HOST = '' # FQDN # LEAN_LDAP_PORT = 389 # Default Port # LEAN_LDAP_DN = '' # Location of users, example: CN=users,DC=example,DC=com # Leantime->Ldap attribute mapping # LEAN_LDAP_KEYS="{ # \"username\":\"uid\", # \"groups\":\"memberOf\", # \"email\":\"mail\", # \"firstname\":\"displayname\", # \"lastname\":\"\", # \"phonenumber\":\"telephoneNumber\" # }" # For AD use these default attributes # LEAN_LDAP_KEYS="{ # \"username\":\"cn\", # \"groups\":\"memberOf\", # \"email\":\"mail\", # \"firstname\":\"givenName\", # \"lastname\":\"sn\", # \"phonenumber\":\"telephoneNumber\" # }" # LEAN_LDAP_DEFAULT_ROLE_KEY = 20; # Default Leantime Role on creation. (set to editor) # Default role assignments upon first login. # (Optional) Can be updated later in user settings for each user # LEAN_LDAP_GROUP_ASSIGNMENT="{ # \"5\": { # \"ltRole\":\"readonly\", # \"ldapRole\":\"readonly\" # }, # \"10\": { # \"ltRole\":\"commenter\", # \"ldapRole\":\"commenter\" # }, # \"20\": { # \"ltRole\":\"editor\", # \"ldapRole\":\"editor\" # }, # \"30\": { # \"ltRole\":\"manager\", # \"ldapRole\":\"manager\" # }, # \"40\": { # \"ltRole\":\"admin\", # \"ldapRole\":\"administrators\" # }, # \"50\": { # \"ltRole\":\"owner\", # \"ldapRole\":\"administrators\" # } # }" ## OpenID Connect # required # LEAN_OIDC_ENABLE = false # LEAN_OIDC_CLIENT_ID = # LEAN_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET = # required - the url for your provider (examples down below) #LEAN_OIDC_PROVIDER_URL = # optional - these will be read from the well-known configuration if possible #LEAN_OIDC_AUTH_URL_OVERRIDE = #LEAN_OIDC_TOKEN_URL_OVERRIDE = #LEAN_OIDC_JWKS_URL_OVERRIDE = #LEAN_OIDC_USERINFO_URL_OVERRIDE = # optional - override the public key for RSA validation #LEAN_OIDC_CERTIFICATE_STRING = #LEAN_OIDC_CERTIFICATE_FILE = # optional - override the requested scopes #LEAN_OIDC_SCOPES = # optional - override the keys used for these fields #LEAN_OIDC_FIELD_EMAIL = #LEAN_OIDC_FIELD_FIRSTNAME = #LEAN_OIDC_FIELD_LASTNAME = ## OpenID Connect setting for github #LEAN_OIDC_PROVIDER_URL = https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com/ #LEAN_OIDC_AUTH_URL_OVERRIDE = https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize #LEAN_OIDC_TOKEN_URL_OVERRIDE = https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token #LEAN_OIDC_USERINFO_URL_OVERRIDE = https://api.github.com/user,https://api.github.com/user/emails #LEAN_OIDC_SCOPES = user:email #LEAN_OIDC_FIELD_EMAIL = 0.email