version: '3' services: db: image: postgres:13 container_name: raveberry-db environment: - POSTGRES_DB=raveberry - POSTGRES_USER=raveberry - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=raveberry volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/raveberry/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: unless-stopped #networks: # - proxy redis: image: redis container_name: raveberry-redis restart: unless-stopped #networks: # - proxy celery: image: raveberry/raveberry container_name: raveberry-celery volumes: - songs-cache:/Music/raveberry # used for visualization - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix # X server to open a window - /dev/dri:/dev/dri # graphics card for hardware acceleration - "/run/user/${UID:-1000}/pulse:/run/pulse" # pulse access to get audio data depends_on: - db - redis environment: - PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1 - ADMIN_PASSWORD - MOD_PASSWORD - REMOTE_URL - SPOTIFY_USERNAME - SPOTIFY_PASSWORD - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET - SOUNDCLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN - JAMENDO_CLIENT_ID - DOCKER=1 - POSTGRES_HOST - POSTGRES_PORT - REDIS_HOST - REDIS_PORT - MOPIDY_HOST - MOPIDY_PORT - ICECAST_HOST - ICECAST_PORT #networks: # - proxy command: /usr/local/bin/celery -A core.tasks worker -O fair -c 6 restart: unless-stopped icecast: image: raveberry/raveberry-icecast container_name: raveberry-icecast environment: - ICECAST_ADMIN_PASSWORD - STREAM_USERNAME - STREAM_PASSWORD - STREAM_NOAUTH #networks: # - proxy # uncomment this port mapping if you need to access icecast's web interface #ports: # - 8000:8000 # use a custom icecast config with this mapping #volumes: # - /path/to/icecast.xml:/etc/icecast.xml restart: unless-stopped mopidy: image: raveberry/raveberry-mopidy container_name: raveberry-mopidy # run with the same id as host user in order to access pulseaudio user: "${UID:-1000}:${GID:-1000}" environment: - MOPIDY_OUTPUT - SPOTIFY_USERNAME - SPOTIFY_PASSWORD - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET - SOUNDCLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN - JAMENDO_CLIENT_ID volumes: - songs-cache:/Music/raveberry # Comment this line if pulse does not work. - "/run/user/${UID:-1000}/pulse:/run/pulse" # to customize mopidy config, mount a custom config file with this line # - /path/to/mopidy.conf:/config/mopidy.conf depends_on: - icecast #networks: # - proxy restart: unless-stopped # Use these three lines to use alsa if pulse is not working. #user: root #devices: # - "/dev/snd:/dev/snd" daphne: image: raveberry/raveberry container_name: raveberry-daphne expose: - 9000 volumes: - songs-cache:/Music/raveberry depends_on: - db - redis - celery - mopidy environment: - PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1 - ADMIN_PASSWORD - MOD_PASSWORD - REMOTE_URL - SPOTIFY_USERNAME - SPOTIFY_PASSWORD - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID - SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET - SOUNDCLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN - JAMENDO_CLIENT_ID - DOCKER=1 - POSTGRES_HOST - POSTGRES_PORT - REDIS_HOST - REDIS_PORT - MOPIDY_HOST - MOPIDY_PORT - ICECAST_HOST - ICECAST_PORT #networks: # - proxy restart: unless-stopped nginx: image: raveberry/raveberry-nginx container_name: raveberry-nginx #ports: # - 9870:80 environment: - DAPHNE_HOST - DAPHNE_PORT - ICECAST_HOST - ICECAST_PORT #networks: # - proxy depends_on: - daphne restart: unless-stopped #labels: # - traefik.enable=true # - traefik.http.routers.raveberry.rule=Host(``) # - # - # # Part for optional traefik middlewares # - traefik.http.routers.raveberry.middlewares=local-ipwhitelist@file volumes: songs-cache: # If you want to access downloaded files on your host system, # uncomment the following lines and choose a folder. # Make sure the folder is writable by UID 33 (eg chmod -R o+rw folder) #driver_opts: # type: 'none' # o: 'bind' # device: '/path/to/folder/' #networks: # proxy: # external: true