# References - https://github.com/traefik/traefik - https://blog.lrvt.de/nginx-proxy-manager-versus-traefik/ - https://blog.lrvt.de/configuring-fail2ban-with-traefik/ - https://github.com/l4rm4nd/F2BFilters # Notes 1. Put the provided `traefik.yml` (static) and `fileConfig.yml` (dynamic) configuration files to your volume bind mount (here `/mnt/docker-volumes/traefik`). 2. Add your Cloudflare API token as environment variable to the `docker-compose.yml` file 3. Adjust the static and dynamic configuration files to your needs. Especially replace the `example.com` strings with your domain name. Optionally configure logrotation on your Docker host server if you've enabled Traefik access logs. See `logrotate_example.txt` as example.