# Database DB_HOSTNAME=immich-database DB_USERNAME=postgres DB_PASSWORD=MySecureDatabasePassword # change this DB_DATABASE_NAME=immich-psgdb DB_DATABASE_LOCATION=/mnt/docker-volumes/immich/database # change this # TYPESENSE # only relevant for immich < 1.91.0 #TYPESENSE_API_KEY=E5B56F137D21231231 # change this to a secure random secret #TYPESENSE_LOCATION=/mnt/docker-volumes/immich/typesense # change this # Redis REDIS_HOSTNAME=immich-redis # Upload File Config UPLOAD_LOCATION=/mnt/docker-volumes/immich/uploads # change this # JWT SECRET JWT_SECRET=9C9E6EE5B56F137D2123123123123 # change this to a secure random secret # MAPBOX ## ENABLE_MAPBOX is either true of false -> if true, you have to provide MAPBOX_KEY ENABLE_MAPBOX=false # WEB #MAPBOX_KEY= #VITE_SERVER_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:2283/api