version: "3.7" services: chevereto: image: container_name: chevereto init: true restart: unless-stopped volumes: - chevereto:/var/www/html/images ports: - 8999:80 expose: - 80 environment: CHEVERETO_DB_HOST: mariadb CHEVERETO_DB_USER: chevereto CHEVERETO_DB_PASS: chevereto CHEVERETO_DB_PORT: 3306 CHEVERETO_DB_NAME: chevereto CHEVERETO_ASSET_STORAGE_TYPE: local CHEVERETO_ASSET_STORAGE_URL: /images/_assets CHEVERETO_ASSET_STORAGE_BUCKET: /var/www/html/images/_assets # only enable the next env if chevereto is run behind a reverse proxy # adjust to the corresponding http header of your reverse proxy, where a user's real IP is propagated # see #CHEVERETO_HEADER_CLIENT_IP: X-Forwarded-For #networks: # - proxy #labels: # - traefik.enable=true # - traefik.http.routers.chevereto.rule=Host(``) # - # - # # Part for local lan services only # - traefik.http.routers.chevereto.middlewares=authentik@docker mariadb: image: mariadb container_name: chevereto_mariadb restart: unless-stopped init: true environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: chevereto MYSQL_USER: chevereto MYSQL_PASSWORD: chevereto MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: chevereto volumes: - chevereto_mariadb:/var/lib/mysql #networks: # - proxy # volumes are recommended due to weird www-data permission in chevereto container volumes: chevereto: {} chevereto_mariadb: {} #networks: # proxy: # external: true