version: '3.7' services: cs2-server: image: joedwards32/cs2 container_name: cs2-dedicated-server restart: unless-stopped environment: # Server configuration - SRCDS_TOKEN=<YOUR-GAME-SERVER-TOKEN> # Game Server Token from - CS2_SERVERNAME=MY-CS2-SERVER # (Set the visible name for your private server) - CS2_CHEATS=0 # (0 - disable cheats, 1 - enable cheats) - CS2_PORT=27015 # (CS2 server listen port tcp_udp) - CS2_SERVER_HIBERNATE=0 # (Put server in a low CPU state when there are no players. 0 - hibernation disabled, 1 - hibernation enabled) - CS2_LAN=0 # (0 - LAN mode disabled, 1 - LAN Mode enabled) - CS2_RCONPW=cruelly-sequel-dejected # (RCON password) - CS2_PW=sake-earthly-lair # (CS2 server password) - CS2_MAXPLAYERS=10 # (Max players) # Game modes - CS2_GAMEALIAS=competitive # (Game type, e.g. casual, competitive, deathmatch. See - CS2_GAMETYPE=0 # (Used if CS2_GAMEALIAS not defined. See - CS2_GAMEMODE=1 # (Used if CS2_GAMEALIAS not defined. See - CS2_MAPGROUP=mg_active # (Map pool) - CS2_STARTMAP=de_dust2 # (Start map) # Bots - CS2_BOT_DIFFICULTY=0 # (0 - easy, 1 - normal, 2 - hard, 3 - expert) - CS2_BOT_QUOTA=0 # (Number of bots) - CS2_BOT_QUOTA_MODE=competitive # (fill, competitive) # TV - TV_AUTORECORD=0 # Automatically records all games as CSTV demos: 0=off, 1=on. - TV_ENABLE=0 # Activates CSTV on server: 0=off, 1=on. - TV_PORT=27020 # Host SourceTV port - TV_PW=changeme # CSTV password for clients - TV_RELAY_PW=changeme # CSTV password for relay proxies - TV_MAXRATE=0 # World snapshots to broadcast per second. Affects camera tickrate. - TV_DELAY=0 # Max CSTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited volumes: - cs2:/home/steam/cs2-dedicated/ ports: - 27015:27015/tcp # TCP - 27015:27015/udp # UDP #- 27020:27020/udp # UDP cs2-rconpanel: image: soren90/rcon-panel container_name: cs2-rcon-panel ports: - 3000:3000 restart: unless-stopped volumes: cs2: