version: '3.3' services: leantime_db: image: mysql:8.0 container_name: leantime-mysql volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/leantime/mysql:/var/lib/mysql restart: unless-stopped environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: '321.qwerty' MYSQL_DATABASE: 'leantime' MYSQL_USER: 'admin' MYSQL_PASSWORD: '321.qwerty' command: --character-set-server=UTF8MB4 --collation-server=UTF8MB4_unicode_ci #networks: # - proxy leantime: image: leantime/leantime:latest container_name: leantime restart: unless-stopped environment: #LEAN_APP_URL: '' # Only needed for subdirectory setup; protocol (http or https) and base URL , trailing slash not needed LEAN_SITENAME: 'Leantime' # Name of your site, can be changed later LEAN_DB_HOST: 'leantime_db' # Database host, derived from container_name in leantime_db container LEAN_DB_USER: 'admin' LEAN_DB_PASSWORD: '321.qwerty' LEAN_DB_DATABASE: 'leantime' LEAN_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE: 'Europe/Berlin' # Set default server timezone LEAN_SESSION_PASSWORD: 'GD8Fozemg3AqM9my86TTfgTeGPXXkPF7' # Salting sessions. Replace with a strong password LEAN_SESSION_EXPIRATION: 28800 # How many seconds after inactivity should we logout? 28800seconds = 8hours volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/leantime/public_data:/var/www/html/public/userfiles - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/leantime/data:/var/www/html/userfiles ports: - "8080:80" # The port to expose and access Leantime depends_on: - leantime_db # Don't start Leantime unless leantime_db is running #networks: # - proxy #labels: # - traefik.enable=true # - traefik.http.routers.leantime.rule=Host(``) # - # - traefik.http.middlewares.limit.buffering.maxRequestBodyBytes=50000000 # optional, only necessary for enabled file uploads # - traefik.http.middlewares.limit.buffering.maxResponseBodyBytes=50000000 # optional, only necessary for enabled file uploads # - traefik.http.middlewares.limit.buffering.memRequestBodyBytes=50000000 # optional, only necessary for enabled file uploads # - traefik.http.middlewares.limit.buffering.memResponseBodyBytes=50000000 # optional, only necessary for enabled file uploads # - # # Part for optional traefik middlewares # - traefik.http.routers.leantime.middlewares=local-ipwhitelist@file,authelia@file,basic-auth@file #networks: # proxy: # external: true