services: postgres: image: postgres:16-alpine container_name: rx-db restart: unless-stopped expose: - 5432 volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/rxresume/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_DB=postgres - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres -d postgres"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 #networks: # - proxy minio: image: minio/minio container_name: rx-minio restart: unless-stopped command: server /data ports: - 9000:9000 expose: - 9000 volumes: - ${DOCKER_VOLUME_STORAGE:-/mnt/docker-volumes}/rxresume/minio:/data environment: - MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin #networks: # - proxy #labels: # - traefik.enable=true # - # - traefik.http.routers.minio.rule=Host(``) # - # # Optional part for traefik middlewares # - traefik.http.routers.minio.middlewares=local-ipwhitelist@file chrome: image: container_name: rx-chrome restart: unless-stopped environment: - TIMEOUT=10000 - CONCURRENT=10 - TOKEN=chrome_token - EXIT_ON_HEALTH_FAILURE=true - PRE_REQUEST_HEALTH_CHECK=true #networks: # - proxy app: image: amruthpillai/reactive-resume:latest container_name: rx-resume restart: unless-stopped ports: - 3000:3000 expose: - 3000 depends_on: - postgres - minio - chrome environment: - PORT=3000 - NODE_ENV=production - PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost:3000 # replace with your https url if reverse proxy in use; e.g. - STORAGE_URL=http://localhost:9000/default # replace with your https url if reverse proxy in use; e.g. - CHROME_TOKEN=chrome_token - CHROME_URL=ws://chrome:3000 - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres - ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=access_token_secret - REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=refresh_token_secret - MAIL_FROM=noreply@localhost # - SMTP_URL=smtp://user:pass@smtp:587 # Optional - STORAGE_ENDPOINT=minio - STORAGE_PORT=9000 - STORAGE_REGION=us-east-1 # Optional - STORAGE_BUCKET=default - STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin - STORAGE_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin - STORAGE_USE_SSL=false - DISABLE_SIGNUPS=false - DISABLE_EMAIL_AUTH=false #networks: # - proxy #labels: # - traefik.enable=true # - # - traefik.http.routers.rxresume.rule=Host(``) # - # # Optional part for traefik middlewares # - traefik.http.routers.rxresume.middlewares=local-ipwhitelist@file #networks: # proxy: # external: true