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## Arithmetic Analysis
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [bisection](
- [in static equilibrium](
- [intersection](
- [lu decomposition](
- [newton method](
- [newton raphson method](
## Backtracking
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [all combinations](
- [all permutations](
- [all subsequences](
- [minimax](
- [n queens](
- [sudoku](
- [sum of subsets](
## Boolean Algebra
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [quine mc cluskey](
## Ciphers
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [affine cipher](
- [atbash](
- [base16](
- [base32](
- [base64 cipher](
- [base85](
- [brute force caesar cipher](
- [caesar cipher](
- [cryptomath module](
- [elgamal key generator](
- [hill cipher](
- [morse code implementation](
- [onepad cipher](
- [playfair cipher](
- [rabin miller](
- [rot13](
- [rsa cipher](
- [rsa key generator](
- [simple substitution cipher](
- [trafid cipher](
- [transposition cipher](
- [transposition cipher encrypt decrypt file](
- [vigenere cipher](
- [xor cipher](
## Compression
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [burrows wheeler](
- [huffman](
- [peak signal to noise ratio](
## Conversions
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [decimal to binary](
- [decimal to hexadecimal](
- [decimal to octal](
## Data Structures
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- Binary Tree
- [avl tree](
- [basic binary tree](
- [binary search tree](
- [fenwick tree](
- [lazy segment tree](
- [lca](
- [red black tree](
- [segment tree](
- [treap](
- Hashing
- [double hash](
- [hash table](
- [hash table with linked list](
- Number Theory
- [prime numbers](
- [quadratic probing](
- Heap
- [heap](
- Linked List
- [doubly linked list](
- [is palindrome](
- [singly linked list](
- [swap nodes](
- Queue
- [double ended queue](
- [queue on list](
- [queue on pseudo stack](
- Stacks
- [balanced parentheses](
- [infix to postfix conversion](
- [infix to prefix conversion](
- [next greater element](
- [postfix evaluation](
- [stack](
- [stock span problem](
- Trie
- [trie](
## Digital Image Processing
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [change contrast](
- Edge Detection
- [canny](
- Filters
- [convolve](
- [gaussian filter](
- [median filter](
- [sobel filter](
- [test digital image processing](
## Divide And Conquer
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [closest pair of points](
- [convex hull](
- [inversions](
- [max subarray sum](
## Dynamic Programming
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [abbreviation](
- [bitmask](
- [climbing stairs](
- [coin change](
- [edit distance](
- [factorial](
- [fast fibonacci](
- [fibonacci](
- [floyd warshall](
- [fractional knapsack](
- [integer partition](
- [k means clustering tensorflow](
- [knapsack](
- [longest common subsequence](
- [longest increasing subsequence](
- [longest increasing subsequence o(nlogn)](<>)
- [longest sub array](
- [matrix chain order](
- [max sub array](
- [minimum partition](
- [rod cutting](
- [subset generation](
- [sum of subset](
2019-08-14 21:24:58 +00:00
## File Transfer
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [recieve file](
- [send file](
## Graphs
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [a star](
- [articulation points](
- [basic graphs](
- [bellman ford](
- [bfs](
- [bfs shortest path](
- [breadth first search](
- [check bipartite graph bfs](
- [check bipartite graph dfs](
- [depth first search](
- [dfs](
- [dijkstra](
- [dijkstra 2](
- [dijkstra algorithm](
- [directed and undirected (weighted) graph](<>)
- [edmonds karp multiple source and sink](
- [eulerian path and circuit for undirected graph](
- [even tree](
- [finding bridges](
- [graph list](
- [graph matrix](
- [graphs floyd warshall](
- [kahns algorithm long](
- [kahns algorithm topo](
- [minimum spanning tree kruskal](
- [minimum spanning tree prims](
- [multi hueristic astar](
- [page rank](
- [prim](
- [scc kosaraju](
- [tarjans scc](
## Hashes
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [chaos machine](
- [enigma machine](
- [md5](
- [sha1](
2019-08-14 21:24:58 +00:00
## Linear Algebra
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- Src
- [lib](
- [polynom-for-points](
- [tests](
## Machine Learning
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [decision tree](
- [gradient descent](
- [k means clust](
- [knn sklearn](
- [linear regression](
- [logistic regression](
- [naive bayes](
- Random Forest Classification
- [random forest classification](
- [random forest classifier](
- Random Forest Regression
- [random forest regression](
- [random forest regression](
- [reuters one vs rest classifier](
- [scoring functions](
- [sorted vector machines](
## Maths
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [3n+1](
- [abs](
- [abs max](
- [abs min](
- [average mean](
- [average median](
- [basic maths](
- [binary exponentiation](
- [collatz sequence](
- [extended euclidean algorithm](
- [factorial python](
- [factorial recursive](
- [fermat little theorem](
- [fibonacci](
- [fibonacci sequence recursion](
- [find lcm](
- [find max](
- [find min](
- [gaussian](
- [greater common divisor](
- [is square free](
- [largest of very large numbers](
- [lucas lehmer primality test](
- [lucas series](
- [mobius function](
- [modular exponential](
- [newton raphson](
- [prime check](
- [prime factors](
- [quadratic equations complex numbers](
- [segmented sieve](
- [sieve of eratosthenes](
- [simpson rule](
- [test prime check](
- [trapezoidal rule](
- [volume](
- [zellers congruence](
## Matrix
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [matrix operation](
- [nth fibonacci using matrix exponentiation](
- [rotate matrix](
- [searching in sorted matrix](
- [spiral print](
- Tests
- [test matrix operation](
## Networking Flow
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [ford fulkerson](
- [minimum cut](
## Neural Network
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [back propagation neural network](
- [convolution neural network](
- [fully connected neural network](
- [perceptron](
## Other
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [anagrams](
- [binary exponentiation](
- [binary exponentiation 2](
- [detecting english programmatically](
- [euclidean gcd](
- [fischer yates shuffle](
- [food wastage analysis from 1961-2013 fao](
- [frequency finder](
- [game of life](
- [linear congruential generator](
- [nested brackets](
- [palindrome](
- [password generator](
- [primelib](
- [sierpinski triangle](
- [tower of hanoi](
- [two sum](
- [word patterns](
## Project Euler
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- Problem 01
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- [sol3](
- [sol4](
- [sol5](
- [sol6](
- Problem 02
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- [sol3](
- [sol4](
- Problem 03
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 04
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 05
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 06
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- [sol3](
- Problem 07
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- [sol3](
- Problem 08
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 09
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- [sol3](
- Problem 10
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- [sol3](
- Problem 11
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 12
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 13
- [sol1](
- Problem 14
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 15
- [sol1](
- Problem 16
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 17
- [sol1](
- Problem 18
- [sol1](
- Problem 19
- [sol1](
- Problem 20
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 21
- [sol1](
- Problem 22
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 234
- [sol1](
- Problem 24
- [sol1](
- Problem 25
- [sol1](
- [sol2](
- Problem 28
- [sol1](
- Problem 29
- [solution](
- Problem 31
- [sol1](
- Problem 36
- [sol1](
- Problem 40
- [sol1](
- Problem 48
- [sol1](
- Problem 52
- [sol1](
- Problem 53
- [sol1](
- Problem 56
- [sol1](
- Problem 76
- [sol1](
## Searches
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [binary search](
- [interpolation search](
- [jump search](
- [linear search](
- [quick select](
- [sentinel linear search](
- [tabu search](
- [ternary search](
## Sorts
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [bitonic sort](
- [bogo sort](
- [bubble sort](
- [bucket sort](
- [cocktail shaker sort](
- [comb sort](
- [counting sort](
- [cycle sort](
- [external sort](
- [gnome sort](
- [heap sort](
- [insertion sort](
- [merge sort](
- [merge sort fastest](
- [odd even transposition parallel](
- [odd even transposition single threaded](
- [pancake sort](
- [pigeon sort](
- [quick sort](
- [quick sort 3 partition](
- [radix sort](
- [random normal distribution quicksort](
- [random pivot quick sort](
- [selection sort](
- [shell sort](
- [tim sort](
- [topological sort](
- [tree sort](
- [wiggle sort](
## Strings
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [boyer moore search](
- [knuth morris pratt](
- [levenshtein distance](
- [manacher](
- [min cost string conversion](
- [naive string search](
- [rabin karp](
## Traversals
2019-10-07 18:23:46 +00:00
- [binary tree traversals](