- returns a random matrix WxH with integer components between 'a' and 'b' linear_algebra_python/README.md /^ - returns a random matrix WxH with integer components between 'a' and 'b' $/;" s
A data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^ A = [1,2,-4,7,3,-5,6,11,-20,9,14,15,5,2,-8]$/;" v
AVL data_structures/avl.py /^class AVL:$/;" c
AdjacencyList data_structures/graph/graph.py /^class AdjacencyList(object):$/;" c
All algorithms implemented in Python (for education) README.md /^### All algorithms implemented in Python (for education)$/;" S
Array Elements sorts/normal_distribution_quick_sort.md /^## Array Elements$/;" s
BFS data_structures/graph/breadth_first_search.py /^ def BFS(self, startVertex):$/;" m class:Graph
BFS networking_flow/ford_fulkerson.py /^def BFS(graph, s, t, parent):$/;" f
BFS networking_flow/minimum_cut.py /^def BFS(graph, s, t, parent):$/;" f
BLOCK_FILENAME_FORMAT sorts/external-sort.py /^ BLOCK_FILENAME_FORMAT = 'block_{0}.dat'$/;" v class:FileSplitter
BPNN neural_network/bpnn.py /^class BPNN():$/;" c
BYTE_SIZE ciphers/rsa_cipher.py /^BYTE_SIZE = 256$/;" v
BellmanFord data_structures/graph/bellman_ford.py /^def BellmanFord(graph, V, E, src):$/;" f
Binary README.md /^### Binary$/;" S
BinarySearchTree data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^class BinarySearchTree:$/;" c
Bubble README.md /^### Bubble$/;" S
Bucket README.md /^### Bucket$/;" S
CNN neural_network/convolution_neural_network.py /^class CNN():$/;" c
Caesar README.md /^### Caesar$/;" S
CeilIndex dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py /^def CeilIndex(v,l,r,key):$/;" f
Ciphers README.md /^## Ciphers$/;" s
Cocktail shaker README.md /^### Cocktail shaker$/;" S
DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE ciphers/rsa_cipher.py /^DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 128$/;" v
DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE sorts/bucket_sort.py /^DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE = 5$/;" v
DFS data_structures/graph/depth_first_search.py /^ def DFS(self):$/;" m class:Graph
DFSRec data_structures/graph/depth_first_search.py /^ def DFSRec(self, startVertex, visited):$/;" m class:Graph
DISTANCE searches/test_tabu_search.py /^DISTANCE = 105$/;" v
Decision_Tree machine_learning/decision_tree.py /^class Decision_Tree:$/;" c
DenseLayer neural_network/bpnn.py /^class DenseLayer():$/;" c
Dijkstra data_structures/graph/dijkstra.py /^def Dijkstra(graph, V, src):$/;" f
Documentation linear_algebra_python/README.md /^## Documentation $/;" s
DoubleHash data_structures/hashing/double_hash.py /^class DoubleHash(HashTable):$/;" c
E data_structures/graph/bellman_ford.py /^E = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
E data_structures/graph/dijkstra.py /^E = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
E data_structures/graph/floyd_warshall.py /^E = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
ENGLISH_WORDS other/detecting_english_programmatically.py /^ENGLISH_WORDS = loadDictionary()$/;" v
ETAOIN other/frequency_finder.py /^ETAOIN = 'ETAOINSHRDLCUMWFGYPBVKJXQZ'$/;" v
EditDistance dynamic_programming/edit_distance.py /^class EditDistance:$/;" c
ExternalSort sorts/external-sort.py /^class ExternalSort(object):$/;" c
F dynamic_programming/knapsack.py /^ F = [[0]*(w + 1)] + [[0] + [-1 for i in range(w + 1)] for j in range(n + 1)]$/;" v
NWayMerge sorts/external-sort.py /^class NWayMerge(object):$/;" c
NewtonRaphson arithmetic_analysis/newton_raphson_method.py /^def NewtonRaphson(func, a):$/;" f
Node data_structures/avl.py /^class Node:$/;" c
Node data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^class Node:$/;" c
Node data_structures/linked_list/__init__.py /^class Node:$/;" c
Node data_structures/linked_list/singly_linked_list.py /^class Node: # create a Node$/;" c
Normal Distribution QuickSort sorts/normal_distribution_quick_sort.md /^# Normal Distribution QuickSort$/;" c
Note: simple_client_server/README.md /^#### Note:$/;" t
Onepad ciphers/onepad_cipher.py /^class Onepad:$/;" c
Overview linear_algebra_python/README.md /^## Overview $/;" s
PORT simple_client_server/client.py /^HOST, PORT = '', 1400$/;" v
PORT simple_client_server/server.py /^HOST, PORT = '', 1400$/;" v
PROGNAME other/sierpinski_triangle.py /^PROGNAME = 'Sierpinski Triangle'$/;" v
Perceptron machine_learning/perceptron.py /^class Perceptron:$/;" c
Perceptron neural_network/perceptron.py /^class Perceptron:$/;" c
Plotting the function for Checking 'The Number of Comparisons' taking place between Normal Distribution QuickSort and Ordinary QuickSort sorts/normal_distribution_quick_sort.md /^## Plotting the function for Checking 'The Number of Comparisons' taking place between Normal Di/;" s
PrimsAlgorithm graphs/minimum_spanning_tree_prims.py /^def PrimsAlgorithm(l):$/;" f
PrintOptimalSolution dynamic_programming/matrix_chain_order.py /^def PrintOptimalSolution(OptimalSolution,i,j):$/;" f
PriorityQueue data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^class PriorityQueue:$/;" c
PriorityQueue graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^class PriorityQueue:$/;" c
ProjectEuler project_euler/README.md /^# ProjectEuler$/;" c
QuadraticProbing data_structures/hashing/__init__.py /^class QuadraticProbing(HashTable):$/;" c
QuadraticProbing data_structures/hashing/quadratic_probing.py /^class QuadraticProbing(HashTable):$/;" c
Queue data_structures/queue/queue_on_list.py /^class Queue():$/;" c
Queue data_structures/queue/queue_on_pseudo_stack.py /^class Queue():$/;" c
Quick README.md /^### Quick$/;" S
Quick Select README.md /^## Quick Select$/;" s
ROT13 README.md /^## ROT13$/;" s
RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) README.md /^### RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman)$/;" S
Radix README.md /^### Radix$/;" S
ReadModel neural_network/convolution_neural_network.py /^ def ReadModel(cls,model_path):$/;" m class:CNN
ReceiveFile file_transfer_protocol/ftp_send_receive.py /^def ReceiveFile():$/;" f
Representational analysis/compression_analysis/psnr.py /^def Representational(r,g,b):$/;" f
S data_structures/stacks/stock_span_problem.py /^S = [0 for i in range(len(price)+1)] $/;" v
S1 dynamic_programming/edit_distance.py /^ S1 = raw_input().strip()$/;" v
S2 dynamic_programming/edit_distance.py /^ S2 = raw_input().strip()$/;" v
SHA1Hash hashes/sha1.py /^class SHA1Hash:$/;" c
SHA1HashTest hashes/sha1.py /^class SHA1HashTest(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
SOE other/findingPrimes.py /^def SOE(n):$/;" f
SYMBOLS ciphers/affine_cipher.py /^SYMBOLS = """ !"#$%&'()*+,-.\/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnop/;" v
Search Algorithms README.md /^## Search Algorithms$/;" s
SegmentTree data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^class SegmentTree:$/;" c
Selection README.md /^### Selection$/;" S
SendFile file_transfer_protocol/ftp_send_receive.py /^def SendFile():$/;" f
Shell README.md /^### Shell$/;" S
Sort Algorithms README.md /^## Sort Algorithms$/;" s
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Caesar_cipher)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpolation_search) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Interpolation_search)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_search) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Jump_search)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quickselect) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Quickselect)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/ROT13)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/RSA_(cryptosystem))$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabu_search) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Tabu_search)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposition_cipher) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Transposition_cipher)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XOR_cipher) README.md /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/XOR_cipher)$/;" u
Stack data_structures/stacks/__init__.py /^class Stack:$/;" c
Stack data_structures/stacks/stack.py /^class Stack(object):$/;" c
StackOverflowError data_structures/stacks/stack.py /^class StackOverflowError(BaseException):$/;" c
SubArray dynamic_programming/longest_sub_array.py /^class SubArray:$/;" c
T project_euler/problem_02/sol2.py /^T = int(input().strip())$/;" v
TAG machine_learning/k_means_clust.py /^TAG = 'K-MEANS-CLUST\/ '$/;" v
TFKMeansCluster dynamic_programming/k_means_clustering_tensorflow.py /^def TFKMeansCluster(vectors, noofclusters):$/;" f
Tabu README.md /^## Tabu$/;" s
Test linear_algebra_python/src/tests.py /^class Test(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestClass searches/test_tabu_search.py /^class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestUnionFind data_structures/union_find/tests_union_find.py /^class TestUnionFind(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
Tests linear_algebra_python/README.md /^## Tests $/;" s
The Algorithms - Python <!-- [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/TheAlgorithms/Python.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/TheAlgorithms/Python) --> README.md /^# The Algorithms - Python <!-- [![Build Status](https:\/\/travis-ci.org\/TheAlgorithms\/Python.s/;" c
The Distribution of the Array elements. sorts/normal_distribution_quick_sort.md /^#### The Distribution of the Array elements.$/;" t
The code sorts/normal_distribution_quick_sort.md /^#### The code$/;" t
Time-Complexity Graphs README.md /^### Time-Complexity Graphs$/;" S
Topological README.md /^### Topological$/;" S
Transposition README.md /^### Transposition$/;" S
TreeNode traversals/binary_tree_traversals.py /^class TreeNode:$/;" c
TrieNode data_structures/trie/trie.py /^class TrieNode:$/;" c
U arithmetic_analysis/lu_decomposition.py /^L,U = LUDecompose(matrix)$/;" v
UPPERLETTERS other/detecting_english_programmatically.py /^UPPERLETTERS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'$/;" v
UnionFind data_structures/union_find/union_find.py /^class UnionFind():$/;" c
Usage linear_algebra_python/README.md /^## Usage $/;" s
V data_structures/graph/bellman_ford.py /^V = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
V data_structures/graph/dijkstra.py /^V = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
V data_structures/graph/floyd_warshall.py /^V = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
Vector linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^class Vector(object):$/;" c
View the algorithm in [action](https://www.toptal.com/developers/sorting-algorithms/heap-sort) README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action](https:\/\/www.toptal.com\/developers\/sorting-algorithms\//;" u
View the algorithm in [action][bubble-toptal] README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action][bubble-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][insertion-toptal] README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action][insertion-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][merge-toptal] README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action][merge-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][quick-toptal] README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action][quick-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][selection-toptal] README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action][selection-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][shell-toptal] README.md /^###### View the algorithm in [action][shell-toptal]$/;" u
Vigenère README.md /^### Vigenère$/;" S
W1 graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^W1 = 1$/;" v
W2 graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^W2 = 1$/;" v
X sorts/random_normal_distribution_quicksort.py /^X = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, p)$/;" v
XOR README.md /^## XOR$/;" s
XORCipher ciphers/xor_cipher.py /^class XORCipher(object):$/;" c
i strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py /^ i = 0$/;" v
in_data file_transfer_protocol/ftp_client_server.py /^ in_data = f.read(1024)$/;" v
in_data file_transfer_protocol/ftp_client_server.py /^ in_data = f.read(1024)$/;" v
in_order traversals/binary_tree_traversals.py /^def in_order(node):$/;" f
index searches/jump_search.py /^index = jump_search(arr, x)$/;" v
infix_to_postfix data_structures/stacks/infix_to_postfix_conversion.py /^def infix_to_postfix(expression):$/;" f
init graphs/a_star.py /^init = [0, 0]$/;" v
initial_centroids machine_learning/k_means_clust.py /^ initial_centroids = get_initial_centroids(dataset['data'], k, seed=0)$/;" v
initializer neural_network/bpnn.py /^ def initializer(self,back_units):$/;" m class:DenseLayer
inorder sorts/tree_sort.py /^def inorder(root, res):$/;" f
inp hashes/chaos_machine.py /^ inp = input("(e)exit? ").strip()$/;" v
inp hashes/chaos_machine.py /^inp = ""$/;" v
inputs dynamic_programming/max_sub_array.py /^ inputs=[10,100,1000,10000,50000,100000,200000,300000,400000,500000]$/;" v
insert data_structures/avl.py /^ def insert(self, value):$/;" m class:AVL
insert data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^ def insert(self, label):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
insert data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^ def insert(self, tup):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
insert data_structures/heap/heap.py /^ def insert(self,data):$/;" m class:Heap
insert data_structures/trie/trie.py /^ def insert(self, word: str): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" m class:TrieNode
insert sorts/tree_sort.py /^ def insert(self,val):$/;" m class:node
insertHead data_structures/linked_list/doubly_linked_list.py /^ def insertHead(self, x):$/;" m class:LinkedList
insertTail data_structures/linked_list/doubly_linked_list.py /^ def insertTail(self, x):$/;" m class:LinkedList
insert_data data_structures/hashing/hash_table.py /^ def insert_data(self, data):$/;" m class:HashTable
insert_head data_structures/linked_list/singly_linked_list.py /^ def insert_head(Head, data):$/;" m class:Linked_List
insert_many data_structures/trie/trie.py /^ def insert_many(self, words: [str]): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" m class:TrieNode
insert_tail data_structures/linked_list/singly_linked_list.py /^ def insert_tail(Head, data):$/;" m class:Linked_List
insertion_sort sorts/insertion_sort.py /^def insertion_sort(collection):$/;" f
insertion_sort sorts/timsort.py /^def insertion_sort(lst):$/;" f
integers other/fischer_yates_shuffle.py /^ integers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]$/;" v
interpolation_search searches/interpolation_search.py /^def interpolation_search(sorted_collection, item):$/;" f
interpolation_search_by_recursion searches/interpolation_search.py /^def interpolation_search_by_recursion(sorted_collection, item, left, right):$/;" f
intersection arithmetic_analysis/intersection.py /^def intersection(function,x0,x1): #function is the f we want to find its root and x0 and x1 are /;" f
isEmpty data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^ def isEmpty(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
isEmpty data_structures/linked_list/doubly_linked_list.py /^ def isEmpty(self): #Will return True if the list is empty$/;" m class:LinkedList
isEmpty data_structures/linked_list/singly_linked_list.py /^ def isEmpty(Head):$/;" m class:Linked_List
prim graphs/basic_graphs.py /^def prim(G, s):$/;" f
prime project_euler/problem_03/sol2.py /^ prime=i$/;" v
prime project_euler/problem_03/sol2.py /^ prime=n$/;" v
prime project_euler/problem_03/sol2.py /^prime=1$/;" v
primeFactorization other/primelib.py /^def primeFactorization(number):$/;" f
primeFactors maths/basic_maths.py /^def primeFactors(n):$/;" f
prime_implicant_chart boolean_algebra/quine_mc_cluskey.py /^def prime_implicant_chart(prime_implicants, binary):$/;" f
primes project_euler/problem_07/sol2.py /^primes = []$/;" v
primitiveRoot ciphers/elgamal_key_generator.py /^def primitiveRoot(p_val):$/;" f
printArray data_structures/stacks/stock_span_problem.py /^def printArray(arr, n): $/;" f
printDist data_structures/graph/bellman_ford.py /^def printDist(dist, V):$/;" f
printDist data_structures/graph/dijkstra.py /^def printDist(dist, V):$/;" f
printDist data_structures/graph/floyd_warshall.py /^def printDist(dist, V):$/;" f
printGraph data_structures/graph/breadth_first_search.py /^ def printGraph(self):$/;" m class:Graph
printGraph data_structures/graph/depth_first_search.py /^ def printGraph(self):$/;" m class:Graph
printList data_structures/graph/graph.py /^ def printList(self):$/;" m class:AdjacencyList
printList data_structures/linked_list/singly_linked_list.py /^ def printList(Head): # print every node data$/;" m class:Linked_List
printNGE data_structures/stacks/next.py /^def printNGE(arr):$/;" f
print_words data_structures/trie/trie.py /^def print_words(node: TrieNode, word: str): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" f
product project_euler/problem_09/sol2.py /^ product=d$/;" v
product project_euler/problem_09/sol2.py /^product=-1$/;" v
pull hashes/chaos_machine.py /^def pull():$/;" f
push data_structures/stacks/__init__.py /^ def push(self, item):$/;" m class:Stack
push data_structures/stacks/stack.py /^ def push(self, data):$/;" m class:Stack
push hashes/chaos_machine.py /^def push(seed):$/;" f
put data_structures/queue/queue_on_list.py /^ def put(self, item):$/;" m class:Queue
put data_structures/queue/queue_on_pseudo_stack.py /^ def put(self, item):$/;" m class:Queue
put graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^ def put(self, item, priority):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
query data_structures/binary tree/fenwick_tree.py /^ def query(self, i): # query cumulative data from index 0 to i in O(lg N)$/;" m class:FenwickTree
query data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^ def query(self, idx, l, r, a, b): #query(1, 1, N, a, b) for query max of [a,b]$/;" m class:SegmentTree
quickSelect searches/quick_select.py /^def quickSelect(list, k):$/;" f
quick_sort sorts/quick_sort.py /^def quick_sort(ARRAY):$/;" f
quick_sort_3partition sorts/quick_sort_3_partition.py /^def quick_sort_3partition(sorting, left, right):$/;" f
r graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ x, y, r = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
r graphs/scc_kosaraju.py /^r = [[] for i in range(n)] #reversed graph$/;" v
r sorts/random_normal_distribution_quicksort.py /^r = (len(M)-1)$/;" v
rabinMiller ciphers/elgamal_key_generator.py /^import rabin_miller as rabinMiller, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
rabinMiller ciphers/rabin_miller.py /^def rabinMiller(num):$/;" f
rabinMiller ciphers/rsa_key_generator.py /^import rabin_miller as rabinMiller, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
rabin_karp strings/rabin_karp.py /^def rabin_karp(pattern, text):$/;" f
radixsort sorts/radix_sort.py /^def radixsort(lst):$/;" f
randomMatrix linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^def randomMatrix(W,H,a,b):$/;" f
randomVector linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^def randomVector(N,a,b):$/;" f
random_characters other/password_generator.py /^def random_characters(ctbi, i):$/;" f
random_letters other/password_generator.py /^def random_letters(ctbi, i):$/;" f
random_number other/password_generator.py /^def random_number(ctbi, i):$/;" f
raw_input data_structures/heap/heap.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input dynamic_programming/edit_distance.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input dynamic_programming/fibonacci.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input dynamic_programming/integer_partition.py /^ raw_input = input #Python 3$/;" v
raw_input graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_01/sol1.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_01/sol2.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_01/sol3.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_02/sol1.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/binary_search.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/interpolation_search.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/linear_search.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/sentinel_linear_search.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/ternary_search.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/bogosort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/bubble_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/cocktail_shaker_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/comb_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/counting_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/cyclesort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/gnome_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/heap_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/insertion_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/merge_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/quick_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/quick_sort_3_partition.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/selection_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/shell_sort.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input strings/levenshtein_distance.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input traversals/binary_tree_traversals.py /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
re dynamic_programming/longest_sub_array.py /^ re = array.solve_sub_array()$/;" v
readFromFileAndDecrypt ciphers/rsa_cipher.py /^def readFromFileAndDecrypt(messageFilename, keyFilename):$/;" f
readKeyFile ciphers/rsa_cipher.py /^def readKeyFile(keyFilename):$/;" f
rearrange hashes/md5.py /^def rearrange(bitString32):$/;" f
rebalance data_structures/avl.py /^ def rebalance(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
rec_ternary_search searches/ternary_search.py /^def rec_ternary_search(left, right, A, target):$/;" f
recur_fibo maths/fibonacci_sequence_recursion.py /^def recur_fibo(n):$/;" f
reformatHex hashes/md5.py /^def reformatHex(i):$/;" f
refresh sorts/external-sort.py /^ def refresh(self):$/;" m class:FilesArray
rehashing data_structures/hashing/hash_table.py /^ def rehashing(self):$/;" m class:HashTable
remove data_structures/linked_list/__init__.py /^ def remove(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
removeNonLetters other/detecting_english_programmatically.py /^def removeNonLetters(message):$/;" f
remove_element graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^ def remove_element(self, item):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
reset hashes/chaos_machine.py /^def reset():$/;" f
result searches/binary_search.py /^ result = binary_search(collection, target)$/;" v
result searches/interpolation_search.py /^ result = interpolation_search(collection, target)$/;" v
result searches/linear_search.py /^ result = linear_search(sequence, target)$/;" v
result searches/sentinel_linear_search.py /^ result = sentinel_linear_search(sequence, target)$/;" v
result strings/levenshtein_distance.py /^ result = levenshtein_distance(first_word, second_word)$/;" v
result1 searches/ternary_search.py /^ result1 = ite_ternary_search(collection, target)$/;" v
result2 searches/ternary_search.py /^ result2 = rec_ternary_search(0, len(collection)-1, collection, target)$/;" v
reverse data_structures/linked_list/singly_linked_list.py /^ def reverse(Head):$/;" m class:Linked_List
revise_centroids machine_learning/k_means_clust.py /^def revise_centroids(data, k, cluster_assignment):$/;" f
right data_structures/avl.py /^ def right(self):$/;" m class:Node
right data_structures/avl.py /^ def right(self, node):$/;" m class:Node
right data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^ def right(self, idx):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
right data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^ def right(self, i):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
rightChild data_structures/heap/heap.py /^ def rightChild(self,i):$/;" m class:Heap
rkg ciphers/rsa_cipher.py /^import sys, rsa_key_generator as rkg, os$/;" I
rmse machine_learning/scoring_functions.py /^def rmse(predict, actual):$/;" f
rmsle machine_learning/scoring_functions.py /^def rmsle(predict, actual):$/;" f
rotate data_structures/queue/queue_on_list.py /^ def rotate(self, rotation):$/;" m class:Queue
rotate data_structures/queue/queue_on_pseudo_stack.py /^ def rotate(self, rotation):$/;" m class:Queue
rotate hashes/sha1.py /^ def rotate(n, b):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
rotate_left data_structures/avl.py /^ def rotate_left(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
rotate_right data_structures/avl.py /^ def rotate_right(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
run other/game_of_life/game_o_life.py /^def run(canvas):$/;" f
run_gradient_descent machine_learning/gradient_descent.py /^def run_gradient_descent():$/;" f
run_linear_regression machine_learning/linear_regression.py /^def run_linear_regression(data_x, data_y):$/;" f
run_steep_gradient_descent machine_learning/linear_regression.py /^def run_steep_gradient_descent(data_x, data_y,$/;" f
s file_transfer_protocol/ftp_client_server.py /^s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object$/;" v
s simple_client_server/client.py /^s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)$/;" v
s simple_client_server/server.py /^s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)$/;" v
same_set data_structures/union_find/union_find.py /^ def same_set(self, u, v):$/;" m class:UnionFind
sample machine_learning/perceptron.py /^ sample = []$/;" v
sample neural_network/perceptron.py /^ sample = []$/;" v
samples machine_learning/perceptron.py /^samples = [$/;" v
samples neural_network/perceptron.py /^samples = [$/;" v
save_model neural_network/convolution_neural_network.py /^ def save_model(self,save_path):$/;" m class:CNN
scc graphs/scc_kosaraju.py /^scc = []$/;" v
search graphs/a_star.py /^def search(grid,init,goal,cost,heuristic):$/;" f
second_word strings/levenshtein_distance.py /^ second_word = raw_input('Enter the second word:\\n').strip()$/;" v
seed other/game_of_life/game_o_life.py /^def seed(canvas):$/;" f
segt data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^ segt = SegmentTree(N)$/;" v
select sorts/external-sort.py /^ def select(self, choices):$/;" m class:NWayMerge
selection boolean_algebra/quine_mc_cluskey.py /^def selection(chart, prime_implicants):$/;" f
selection_sort sorts/selection_sort.py /^def selection_sort(collection):$/;" f
sentinel_linear_search searches/sentinel_linear_search.py /^def sentinel_linear_search(sequence, target):$/;" f
sequence searches/linear_search.py /^ sequence = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
sequence searches/sentinel_linear_search.py /^ sequence = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
sequence strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py /^ sequence = assemble_transformation(operations, m-1, n-1)$/;" v
set linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^ def set(self,components):$/;" m class:Vector
setLabel data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^ def setLabel(self, label):$/;" m class:Node
setLeft data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^ def setLeft(self, left):$/;" m class:Node
setParent data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^ def setParent(self, parent):$/;" m class:Node
setPosition graphs/minimum_spanning_tree_prims.py /^ def setPosition(vertex, pos):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
setRight data_structures/binary tree/binary_search_tree.py /^ def setRight(self, right):$/;" m class:Node
shell_sort sorts/shell_sort.py /^def shell_sort(collection):$/;" f
show data_structures/graph/graph_list.py /^ def show(self):$/;" m class:Graph
show data_structures/graph/graph_matrix.py /^ def show(self):$/;" m class:Graph
showData data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^ def showData(self):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
showMin dynamic_programming/floyd_warshall.py /^ def showMin(self, u, v):$/;" m class:Graph
show_distances data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^ def show_distances(self, src):$/;" m class:Graph
show_graph data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^ def show_graph(self):$/;" m class:Graph
show_path data_structures/graph/dijkstra_algorithm.py /^ def show_path(self, src, dest):$/;" m class:Graph
sieve maths/segmented_sieve.py /^def sieve(n):$/;" f
sieve maths/sieve_of_eratosthenes.py /^def sieve(n):$/;" f
sieveEr other/primelib.py /^def sieveEr(N):$/;" f
sig neural_network/convolution_neural_network.py /^ def sig(self,x):$/;" m class:CNN
sigma sorts/random_normal_distribution_quicksort.py /^mu, sigma = 0, 1 # mean and standard deviation$/;" v
sigmoid neural_network/bpnn.py /^def sigmoid(x):$/;" f
sign machine_learning/perceptron.py /^ def sign(self, u):$/;" m class:Perceptron
sign neural_network/perceptron.py /^ def sign(self, u):$/;" m class:Perceptron
signature other/anagrams.py /^def signature(word):$/;" f
simple client server simple_client_server/README.md /^# simple client server$/;" c
simplifyFraction other/primelib.py /^def simplifyFraction(numerator, denominator):$/;" f
sink networking_flow/ford_fulkerson.py /^source, sink = 0, 5$/;" v
sink networking_flow/minimum_cut.py /^source, sink = 0, 5$/;" v
size data_structures/queue/queue_on_list.py /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Queue
size data_structures/queue/queue_on_pseudo_stack.py /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Queue
size data_structures/stacks/stack.py /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Stack
size linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Vector
smallestPrimeFactor other/primelib.py /^def smallestPrimeFactor(number):$/;" f
solve dynamic_programming/edit_distance.py /^ def solve(self, A, B):$/;" m class:EditDistance
solve_sub_array dynamic_programming/longest_sub_array.py /^ def solve_sub_array(self):$/;" m class:SubArray
solver dynamic_programming/edit_distance.py /^ solver = EditDistance()$/;" v
sort machine_learning/perceptron.py /^ def sort(self, sample):$/;" m class:Perceptron
sort neural_network/perceptron.py /^ def sort(self, sample):$/;" m class:Perceptron
sort sorts/external-sort.py /^ def sort(self, filename, sort_key=None):$/;" m class:ExternalSort
sort sorts/topological_sort.py /^sort = topological_sort('a', [], [])$/;" v
triangle other/sierpinski_triangle.py /^def triangle(points,depth):$/;" f
twoSum other/two_sum.py /^def twoSum(nums, target):$/;" f
u graphs/scc_kosaraju.py /^ u, v = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
union data_structures/union_find/union_find.py /^ def union(self, u, v):$/;" m class:UnionFind
unitBasisVector linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^def unitBasisVector(dimension,pos):$/;" f
unshift sorts/external-sort.py /^ def unshift(self, index):$/;" m class:FilesArray
unsorted sorts/bogosort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/bubble_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/cocktail_shaker_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/comb_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/counting_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/cyclesort.py /^unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/gnome_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/heap_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/insertion_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/merge_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/quick_sort.py /^ unsorted = [ int(item) for item in user_input.split(',') ]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/quick_sort_3_partition.py /^ unsorted = [ int(item) for item in user_input.split(',') ]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/selection_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/shell_sort.py /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
update data_structures/binary tree/fenwick_tree.py /^ def update(self, i, val): # update data (adding) in index i in O(lg N)$/;" m class:FenwickTree
update data_structures/binary tree/lazy_segment_tree.py /^ def update(self, idx, l, r, a, b, val): # update(1, 1, N, a, b, v) for update val v to [a,b]$/;" m class:SegmentTree
usage_doc other/game_of_life/game_o_life.py /^usage_doc='Usage of script: script_nama <size_of_canvas:int>'$/;" v
user_input searches/binary_search.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/interpolation_search.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/linear_search.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by coma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/sentinel_linear_search.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/ternary_search.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by coma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/bogosort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/bubble_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/cocktail_shaker_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/comb_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/counting_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/cyclesort.py /^user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n')$/;" v
user_input sorts/gnome_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/heap_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/insertion_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/merge_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/quick_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/quick_sort_3_partition.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/selection_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/shell_sort.py /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
v dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py /^v = [2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 8, 10, 13, 6]$/;" v
v graphs/scc_kosaraju.py /^ u, v = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
val dynamic_programming/knapsack.py /^ val = [3,2,4,4]$/;" v
valid graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^def valid(p):$/;" f
vertices sorts/topological_sort.py /^vertices = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']$/;" v
visit graphs/scc_kosaraju.py /^visit = [False]*n$/;" v
visited data_structures/graph/even_tree.py /^ visited = {}$/;" v
w dynamic_programming/knapsack.py /^ w = 6$/;" v
weight data_structures/graph/bellman_ford.py /^ weight = float(raw_input("Enter weight:"))$/;" v
weight data_structures/graph/dijkstra.py /^ weight = float(raw_input("Enter weight:"))$/;" v
weight data_structures/graph/floyd_warshall.py /^ weight = float(raw_input("Enter weight:"))$/;" v
whole_array dynamic_programming/longest_sub_array.py /^ whole_array = input("please input some numbers:")$/;" v
width linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^ def width(self):$/;" m class:Matrix
word_bysig other/anagrams.py /^word_bysig = collections.defaultdict(list)$/;" v
word_list other/anagrams.py /^word_list = sorted(list(set([word.strip().lower() for word in open(path[0] + '\/words')])))$/;" v
write_block sorts/external-sort.py /^ def write_block(self, data, block_number):$/;" m class:FileSplitter
wt dynamic_programming/knapsack.py /^ wt = [4,3,2,3]$/;" v
x dynamic_programming/longest_common_subsequence.py /^ x = 'AGGTAB'$/;" v
x graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ x, y = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
x graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ x, y, r = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
x searches/jump_search.py /^x = 55$/;" v
xorshift hashes/chaos_machine.py /^ def xorshift(X, Y):$/;" f function:pull file:
xrange dynamic_programming/integer_partition.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange dynamic_programming/longest_common_subsequence.py /^ xrange = range # Python 3$/;" v
xrange graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ xrange = range # Python 3$/;" v
xrange graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py /^ xrange = range # Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_10/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_11/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 2$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_12/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_21/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_22/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_25/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_28/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_36/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_48/sol1.py /^ xrange = range$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_53/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_76/sol1.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange strings/min_cost_string_conversion.py /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
y dynamic_programming/longest_common_subsequence.py /^ y = 'GXTXAYB'$/;" v
y graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ x, y = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
y graphs/basic_graphs.py /^ x, y, r = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
year project_euler/problem_19/sol1.py /^year = 1901$/;" v
z sorts/random_normal_distribution_quicksort.py /^z = _inPlaceQuickSort(M,0,r) $/;" v
zeroVector linear_algebra_python/src/lib.py /^def zeroVector(dimension):$/;" f