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class Node:#create a Node
def __int__(self,data):
self.data=data#given data
self.next=None#given next to None
class Linked_List:
def insert_tail(Head,data):
if(Head.next is None):
Head.next = Node(data)
insert_tail(Head.next, data)
def insert_head(Head,data):
tamp = Head
if (tamp == None):
newNod = Node()#create a new Node
newNod.data = data
newNod.next = None
Head = newNod#make new node to Head
newNod = Node()
newNod.data = data
newNod.next = Head#put the Head at NewNode Next
Head=newNod#make a NewNode to Head
return Head
def printList(Head):#print every node data
while tamp!=None:
def delete_head(Head):#delete from head
if Head!=None:
return Head#return new Head
def delete_tail(Head):#delete from tail
if Head!=None:
tamp = Node()
tamp = Head
while (tamp.next).next!= None:#find the 2nd last element
tamp = tamp.next
tamp.next=None#delete the last element by give next None to 2nd last Element
return Head
def isEmpty(Head):
return Head is None #Return if Head is none
def reverse(Head):
prev = None
current = Head
# Store the current node's next node.
next_node = current.next
# Make the current node's next point backwards
current.next = prev
# Make the previous node be the current node
prev = current
# Make the current node the next node (to progress iteration)
current = next_node
# Return prev in order to put the head at the end
Head = prev