fixed balanced_parentheses, Added infix-prefix & postfix evaluation (#621)

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Ashwek Swamy 2019-03-01 22:23:29 +05:30 committed by John Law
parent e6eb6dbb82
commit 88b6caa30a
2 changed files with 111 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Enter an Infix Equation = a + b ^c
Symbol | Stack | Postfix
c | | c
^ | ^ | c
b | ^ | cb
+ | + | cb^
a | + | cb^a
| | cb^a+
a+b^c (Infix) -> +a^bc (Prefix)
def infix_2_postfix(Infix):
Stack = []
Postfix = []
priority = {'^':3, '*':2, '/':2, '%':2, '+':1, '-':1} # Priority of each operator
print_width = len(Infix) if(len(Infix)>7) else 7
# Print table header for output
print('Symbol'.center(8), 'Stack'.center(print_width), 'Postfix'.center(print_width), sep = " | ")
for x in Infix:
if(x.isalpha() or x.isdigit()): Postfix.append(x) # if x is Alphabet / Digit, add it to Postfix
elif(x == '('): Stack.append(x) # if x is "(" push to Stack
elif(x == ')'): # if x is ")" pop stack until "(" is encountered
while(Stack[-1] != '('):
Postfix.append( Stack.pop() ) #Pop stack & add the content to Postfix
if(len(Stack)==0): Stack.append(x) #If stack is empty, push x to stack
while( len(Stack) > 0 and priority[x] <= priority[Stack[-1]]): # while priority of x is not greater than priority of element in the stack
Postfix.append( Stack.pop() ) # pop stack & add to Postfix
Stack.append(x) # push x to stack
print(, (''.join(Stack)).ljust(print_width), (''.join(Postfix)).ljust(print_width), sep = " | ") # Output in tabular format
while(len(Stack) > 0): # while stack is not empty
Postfix.append( Stack.pop() ) # pop stack & add to Postfix
print(' '.center(8), (''.join(Stack)).ljust(print_width), (''.join(Postfix)).ljust(print_width), sep = " | ") # Output in tabular format
return "".join(Postfix) # return Postfix as str
def infix_2_prefix(Infix):
Infix = list(Infix[::-1]) # reverse the infix equation
for i in range(len(Infix)):
if(Infix[i] == '('): Infix[i] = ')' # change "(" to ")"
elif(Infix[i] == ')'): Infix[i] = '(' # change ")" to "("
return (infix_2_postfix("".join(Infix)))[::-1] # call infix_2_postfix on Infix, return reverse of Postfix
if __name__ == "__main__":
Infix = input("\nEnter an Infix Equation = ") #Input an Infix equation
Infix = "".join(Infix.split()) #Remove spaces from the input
print("\n\t", Infix, "(Infix) -> ", infix_2_prefix(Infix), "(Prefix)")

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Enter a Postfix Equation (space separated) = 5 6 9 * +
Symbol | Action | Stack
5 | push(5) | 5
6 | push(6) | 5,6
9 | push(9) | 5,6,9
| pop(9) | 5,6
| pop(6) | 5
* | push(6*9) | 5,54
| pop(54) | 5
| pop(5) |
+ | push(5+54) | 59
Result = 59
import operator as op
def Solve(Postfix):
Stack = []
Div = lambda x, y: int(x/y) # integer division operation
Opr = {'^':op.pow, '*':op.mul, '/':Div, '+':op.add, '-':op.sub} # operators & their respective operation
# print table header
print('Symbol'.center(8), 'Action'.center(12), 'Stack', sep = " | ")
for x in Postfix:
if( x.isdigit() ): # if x in digit
Stack.append(x) # append x to stack
print(x.rjust(8), ('push('+x+')').ljust(12), ','.join(Stack), sep = " | ") # output in tabular format
B = Stack.pop() # pop stack
print("".rjust(8), ('pop('+B+')').ljust(12), ','.join(Stack), sep = " | ") # output in tabular format
A = Stack.pop() # pop stack
print("".rjust(8), ('pop('+A+')').ljust(12), ','.join(Stack), sep = " | ") # output in tabular format
Stack.append( str(Opr[x](int(A), int(B))) ) # evaluate the 2 values poped from stack & push result to stack
print(x.rjust(8), ('push('+A+x+B+')').ljust(12), ','.join(Stack), sep = " | ") # output in tabular format
return int(Stack[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":
Postfix = input("\n\nEnter a Postfix Equation (space separated) = ").split(' ')
print("\n\tResult = ", Solve(Postfix))