Changes in the main file and test file as test were failing due to stuck in an infinite loop.

This commit is contained in:
Tarun Vishwakarma 2024-10-14 21:01:01 +05:30
parent 46dd5fd3df
commit 991a37e9ff
2 changed files with 210 additions and 304 deletions

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@ -1,233 +1,9 @@
from collections import defaultdict, deque from collections import deque
UNMATCHED = -1 # Constant to represent unmatched vertices
class EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm:
def maximum_matching(
edges: list[tuple[int, int]], vertex_count: int
) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
Finds the maximum matching in a general graph using Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm.
:param edges: List of edges in the graph.
:param vertex_count: Number of vertices in the graph.
:return: A list of matched pairs of vertices.
>>> EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)], 4)
[(0, 1), (2, 3)]
graph: dict[int, list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
# Populate the graph with the edges
for vertex_u, vertex_v in edges:
# Initial matching array and auxiliary data structures
match = [UNMATCHED] * vertex_count
parent = [UNMATCHED] * vertex_count
base = list(range(vertex_count))
in_blossom = [False] * vertex_count
in_queue = [False] * vertex_count
# Main logic for finding maximum matching
for vertex_u in range(vertex_count):
if match[vertex_u] == UNMATCHED:
# BFS initialization
parent = [UNMATCHED] * vertex_count
base = list(range(vertex_count))
in_blossom = [False] * vertex_count
in_queue = [False] * vertex_count
queue = deque([vertex_u])
in_queue[vertex_u] = True
augmenting_path_found = False
# BFS to find augmenting paths
while queue and not augmenting_path_found:
current_vertex = queue.popleft()
for neighbor in graph[current_vertex]:
if match[current_vertex] == neighbor:
if base[current_vertex] == base[neighbor]:
continue # Avoid self-loops
if parent[neighbor] == UNMATCHED:
# Case 1: neighbor is unmatched,
# we've found an augmenting path
if match[neighbor] == UNMATCHED:
parent[neighbor] = current_vertex
augmenting_path_found = True
match, parent, neighbor
# Case 2: neighbor is matched,
# add neighbor's match to the queue
matched_vertex = match[neighbor]
parent[neighbor] = current_vertex
parent[matched_vertex] = neighbor
if not in_queue[matched_vertex]:
in_queue[matched_vertex] = True
# Case 3: Both current_vertex and neighbor have a parent;
# check for a cycle/blossom
base_vertex = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.find_base(
base, parent, current_vertex, neighbor
if base_vertex != UNMATCHED:
# Create result list of matched pairs
matching_result = []
for vertex in range(vertex_count):
if match[vertex] != UNMATCHED and vertex < match[vertex]:
matching_result.append((vertex, match[vertex]))
return matching_result
def update_matching(
match: list[int], parent: list[int], current_vertex: int
) -> None:
Updates the matching along the augmenting path found.
:param match: The matching array.
:param parent: The parent array used during the BFS.
:param current_vertex: The starting node of the augmenting path.
>>> parent = [1, 0, UNMATCHED]
>>> EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.update_matching(match, parent, 2)
>>> match
[1, 0, -1]
while current_vertex != UNMATCHED:
matched_vertex = parent[current_vertex]
next_vertex = match[matched_vertex]
match[matched_vertex] = current_vertex
match[current_vertex] = matched_vertex
current_vertex = next_vertex
def find_base(
base: list[int], parent: list[int], vertex_u: int, vertex_v: int
) -> int:
Finds the base of a node in the blossom.
:param base: The base array.
:param parent: The parent array.
:param vertex_u: One end of the edge.
:param vertex_v: The other end of the edge.
:return: The base of the node or UNMATCHED.
>>> base = [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> parent = [1, 0, UNMATCHED, UNMATCHED]
>>> EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.find_base(base, parent, 2, 3)
visited = [False] * len(base)
# Mark ancestors of vertex_u
current_vertex_u = vertex_u
while True:
current_vertex_u = base[current_vertex_u]
visited[current_vertex_u] = True
if parent[current_vertex_u] == UNMATCHED:
current_vertex_u = parent[current_vertex_u]
# Find the common ancestor of vertex_v
current_vertex_v = vertex_v
while True:
current_vertex_v = base[current_vertex_v]
if visited[current_vertex_v]:
return current_vertex_v
current_vertex_v = parent[current_vertex_v]
def contract_blossom(blossom_data: "BlossomData") -> None:
Contracts a blossom in the graph, modifying the base array
and marking the vertices involved.
:param blossom_data: An object containing the necessary data
to perform the contraction.
>>> aux_data = BlossomAuxData(deque(), [], [], [], [], [])
>>> blossom_data = BlossomData(aux_data, 0, 1, 2)
>>> EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.contract_blossom(blossom_data)
# Mark all vertices in the blossom
current_vertex_u = blossom_data.vertex_u
while blossom_data.aux_data.base[current_vertex_u] != blossom_data.lca:
base_u = blossom_data.aux_data.base[current_vertex_u]
match_base_u = blossom_data.aux_data.base[
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[base_u] = True
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[match_base_u] = True
current_vertex_u = blossom_data.aux_data.parent[
current_vertex_v = blossom_data.vertex_v
while blossom_data.aux_data.base[current_vertex_v] != blossom_data.lca:
base_v = blossom_data.aux_data.base[current_vertex_v]
match_base_v = blossom_data.aux_data.base[
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[base_v] = True
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[match_base_v] = True
current_vertex_v = blossom_data.aux_data.parent[
# Update the base for all marked vertices
for i in range(len(blossom_data.aux_data.base)):
if blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[blossom_data.aux_data.base[i]]:
blossom_data.aux_data.base[i] = blossom_data.lca
if not blossom_data.aux_data.in_queue[i]:
blossom_data.aux_data.in_queue[i] = True
class BlossomAuxData: class BlossomAuxData:
""" def __init__(self, queue: deque, parent: list[int], base: list[int],
Auxiliary data class to encapsulate common parameters for the blossom operations. in_blossom: list[bool], match: list[int], in_queue: list[bool]):
def __init__(
queue: deque,
parent: list[int],
base: list[int],
in_blossom: list[bool],
match: list[int],
in_queue: list[bool],
) -> None:
self.queue = queue self.queue = queue
self.parent = parent self.parent = parent
self.base = base self.base = base
@ -235,25 +11,153 @@ class BlossomAuxData:
self.match = match self.match = match
self.in_queue = in_queue self.in_queue = in_queue
class BlossomData: class BlossomData:
""" def __init__(self, aux_data: BlossomAuxData, u: int, v: int, lca: int):
BlossomData class with reduced parameters.
def __init__(
self, aux_data: BlossomAuxData, vertex_u: int, vertex_v: int, lca: int
) -> None:
Initialize BlossomData with auxiliary data, two vertices,
and the lowest common ancestor.
:param aux_data: Auxiliary data used in the algorithm
:param vertex_u: First vertex involved in the blossom
:param vertex_v: Second vertex involved in the blossom
:param lca: Lowest common ancestor (base) of the two vertices
self.aux_data = aux_data self.aux_data = aux_data
self.vertex_u = vertex_u self.u = u
self.vertex_v = vertex_v self.v = v
self.lca = lca self.lca = lca
class EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm:
UNMATCHED = -1 # Constant to represent unmatched vertices
def maximum_matching(edges: list[list[int]], vertex_count: int) -> list[list[int]]:
graph = [[] for _ in range(vertex_count)]
# Populate the graph with the edges
for edge in edges:
u, v = edge
# All vertices are initially unmatched
match = [EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED] * vertex_count
parent = [EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED] * vertex_count
base = list(range(vertex_count)) # Each vertex is its own base initially
# Indicates if a vertex is part of a blossom
in_blossom = [False] * vertex_count
in_queue = [False] * vertex_count # Tracks vertices in the BFS queue
# Main logic for finding maximum matching
for u in range(vertex_count):
if match[u] == EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED:
# BFS initialization
parent = [EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED] * vertex_count
base = list(range(vertex_count))
in_blossom = [False] * vertex_count
in_queue = [False] * vertex_count
queue = deque([u])
in_queue[u] = True
augmenting_path_found = False
# BFS to find augmenting paths
while queue and not augmenting_path_found:
current = queue.popleft()
for y in graph[current]:
if match[current] == y:
# Skip if we are
# looking at the same edge
# as the current match
if base[current] == base[y]:
continue # Avoid self-loops
if parent[y] == EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED:
# Case 1: y is unmatched, we've found an augmenting path
if match[y] == EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED:
parent[y] = current
augmenting_path_found = True
# Augment along this path
.update_matching(match, parent, y))
# Case 2: y is matched, add y's match to the queue
z = match[y]
parent[y] = current
parent[z] = y
if not in_queue[z]:
in_queue[z] = True
# Case 3: Both current and y have a parent;
# check for a cycle/blossom
base_u = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.find_base(base,
parent, current, y)
if base_u != EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED:
current, y, base_u))
# Create result list of matched pairs
matching_result = []
for v in range(vertex_count):
if match[v] != EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED and v < match[v]:
matching_result.append([v, match[v]])
return matching_result
def update_matching(match: list[int], parent: list[int], u: int):
while u != EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED:
v = parent[u]
next_match = match[v]
match[v] = u
match[u] = v
u = next_match
def find_base(base: list[int], parent: list[int], u: int, v: int) -> int:
visited = [False] * len(base)
# Mark ancestors of u
current_u = u
while True:
current_u = base[current_u]
visited[current_u] = True
if parent[current_u] == EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.UNMATCHED:
current_u = parent[current_u]
# Find the common ancestor of v
current_v = v
while True:
current_v = base[current_v]
if visited[current_v]:
return current_v
current_v = parent[current_v]
def contract_blossom(blossom_data: BlossomData):
for x in range(blossom_data.u,
blossom_data.aux_data.base[blossom_data.u] != blossom_data.lca):
base_x = blossom_data.aux_data.base[x]
match_base_x = blossom_data.aux_data.base[blossom_data.aux_data.match[x]]
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[base_x] = True
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[match_base_x] = True
for x in range(blossom_data.v,
blossom_data.aux_data.base[blossom_data.v] != blossom_data.lca):
base_x = blossom_data.aux_data.base[x]
match_base_x = blossom_data.aux_data.base[blossom_data.aux_data.match[x]]
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[base_x] = True
blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[match_base_x] = True
# Update the base for all marked vertices
for i in range(len(blossom_data.aux_data.base)):
if blossom_data.aux_data.in_blossom[blossom_data.aux_data.base[i]]:
# Contract to the lowest common ancestor
blossom_data.aux_data.base[i] = blossom_data.lca
if not blossom_data.aux_data.in_queue[i]:
# Add to queue if not already present
blossom_data.aux_data.in_queue[i] = True

View File

@ -1,71 +1,73 @@
import unittest import unittest
from collections import deque
from graphs.edmonds_blossom_algorithm import ( from graphs.edmonds_blossom_algorithm import EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm
class TestEdmondsBlossomAlgorithm(unittest.TestCase): class EdmondsBlossomAlgorithmTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_maximum_matching(self):
# Test case: Basic matching in a simple graph
edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
vertex_count = 4
result = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, vertex_count)
expected_result = [(0, 1), (2, 3)]
assert result == expected_result
# Test case: Graph with no matching def convert_matching_to_array(self, matching):
edges = [] """ Helper method to convert a
vertex_count = 4 list of matching pairs into a sorted 2D array.
result = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, vertex_count) """
expected_result = [] # Convert the list of pairs into a list of lists
assert result == expected_result result = [list(pair) for pair in matching]
def test_update_matching(self): # Sort each individual pair for consistency
# Test case: Update matching on a simple augmenting path for pair in result:
parent = [1, 0, UNMATCHED]
current_vertex = 2
EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.update_matching(match, parent, current_vertex)
expected_result = [1, 0, UNMATCHED]
assert match == expected_result
def test_find_base(self): # Sort the array of pairs to ensure consistent order
# Test case: Find base of blossom result.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
base = [0, 1, 2, 3] return result
parent = [1, 0, UNMATCHED, UNMATCHED]
vertex_u = 2
vertex_v = 3
result = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.find_base(base, parent, vertex_u, vertex_v)
expected_result = 2
assert result == expected_result
def test_contract_blossom(self): def test_case_1(self):
# Test case: Contracting a simple blossom """ Test Case 1: A triangle graph where vertices 0, 1, and 2 form a cycle. """
queue = deque() edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0]]
parent = [UNMATCHED, UNMATCHED, UNMATCHED] matching = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, 3)
base = [0, 1, 2]
in_blossom = [False] * 3
in_queue = [False] * 3
aux_data = BlossomAuxData(queue, parent, base, in_blossom, match, in_queue)
blossom_data = BlossomData(aux_data, 0, 1, 2)
# Contract the blossom expected = [[0, 1]]
EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.contract_blossom(blossom_data) assert expected == self.convert_matching_to_array(matching)
# Ensure base is updated correctly def test_case_2(self):
assert aux_data.base == [2, 2, 2] """ Test Case 2: A disconnected graph with two components. """
# Check that the queue has the contracted vertices edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4]]
assert 0 in aux_data.queue matching = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, 5)
assert 1 in aux_data.queue
assert aux_data.in_queue[0] expected = [[0, 1], [3, 4]]
assert aux_data.in_queue[1] assert expected == self.convert_matching_to_array(matching)
def test_case_3(self):
""" Test Case 3: A cycle graph with an additional edge outside the cycle. """
edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [4, 5]]
matching = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, 6)
expected = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]
assert expected == self.convert_matching_to_array(matching)
def test_case_no_matching(self):
""" Test Case 4: A graph with no edges. """
edges = [] # No edges
matching = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, 3)
expected = []
assert expected == self.convert_matching_to_array(matching)
def test_case_large_graph(self):
""" Test Case 5: A complex graph with multiple cycles and extra edges. """
edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 0], [1, 4], [2, 5]]
matching = EdmondsBlossomAlgorithm.maximum_matching(edges, 6)
# Check if the size of the matching is correct (i.e., 3 pairs)
assert len(matching) == 3
# Check that the result contains valid pairs (any order is fine)
possible_matching_1 = [[0, 1], [2, 5], [3, 4]]
possible_matching_2 = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]
result = self.convert_matching_to_array(matching)
# Assert that the result is one of the valid maximum matchings
assert result in (possible_matching_1, possible_matching_2)
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main() unittest.main()