From b7f13d991cccd370d8ff5b27c1bdc36237a13473 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: cclauss Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2019 17:27:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Travis CI: Run black, doctest, flake8, mypy, and pytest (#964) * Travis CI: Add type checking with mypy * Create requirements.txt * script: mypy --ignore-missing-stubs=cv2,numpy . * Delete requirements.txt * script: mypy --ignore-missing-imports . * Run doctests * Disable doctest -v other/ * Pytest * No | * pytest || true * Run black doctest flake8 mypy pytest * after_success: Build * Typo in filename: Dictionary.txt --> dictionary.txt' Discovered via doctest run in #964 * python -m doctest -v * pip install black flake8 mypy pytest * pytest --doctest-glob='*.py' * pytest --doctest-modules * pytest --doctest-modules ./sorts * pytest --doctest-modules ./ciphers ./other ./searches ./sorts ./strings || true * if __name__ == "__main__": * if __name__ == "__main__": * if __name__ == '__main__': * if __name__ == '__main__': * if __name__ == '__main__': * Create requirements.txt * Update requirements.txt * if __name__ == "__main__": * Lose the doctests * if __name__ == '__main__': * Remove print-a-tuple * doctest: Added missing spaces * Update * The >>> are not doctests so change to >>) * Travis CI: Run black, doctest, flake8, mypy, and pytest * Link to the separate file * Update --- .travis.yml | 13 +- | 339 +------------------- ciphers/ | 4 +- ciphers/ | 5 +- other/ | 2 +- other/ | 17 +- other/ | 4 +- requirements.txt | 6 + searches/ | 4 +- sorts/ | 21 +- sorts/ | 2 +- 11 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 363 deletions(-) create mode 100644 requirements.txt diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 8676e5127..e67bd431a 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,5 +1,14 @@ language: python dist: xenial # required for Python >= 3.7 python: 3.7 -install: pip install flake8 -script: flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics +cache: pip +install: pip install -r requirements.txt +before_script: + - black --check . || true + - flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics +script: + - mypy --ignore-missing-imports . + - pytest --doctest-modules ./ciphers ./other ./searches ./sorts ./strings +after_success: + - python ./ + - cat diff --git a/ b/ index a28475791..30eccd361 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ These implementations are for learning purposes. They may be less efficient than Anup Kumar Panwar   [[Gmail]( -  [Gihub]( +  [GitHub](   [LinkedIn](] Chetan Kaushik   [[Gmail]( -  [Gihub]( +  [GitHub](   [LinkedIn](] ## Contribution Guidelines @@ -28,337 +28,6 @@ Read our [Contribution Guidelines]( before you contribute. We're on [Gitter](! Please join us. -# Algorithms +## Algorithms -## Hashes - -- [Md5](./hashes/ -- [Chaos Machine](./hashes/ -- [Sha1](./hashes/ - -## File Transfer Protocol - -- [Ftp Client Server](./file_transfer_protocol/ -- [Ftp Send Receive](./file_transfer_protocol/ - -## Backtracking - -- [N Queens](./backtracking/ -- [Sum Of Subsets](./backtracking/ -- [All Subsequences](./backtracking/ -- [All Permutations](./backtracking/ - -## Ciphers - -- [Transposition Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Atbash](./ciphers/ -- [Rot13](./ciphers/ -- [Rabin Miller](./ciphers/ -- [Transposition Cipher Encrypt Decrypt File](./ciphers/ -- [Affine Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Trafid Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Base16](./ciphers/ -- [Elgamal Key Generator](./ciphers/ -- [Rsa Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Prehistoric Men.txt](./ciphers/prehistoric_men.txt) -- [Vigenere Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Xor Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Brute Force Caesar Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Rsa Key Generator](./ciphers/ -- [Simple Substitution Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Playfair Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Morse Code Implementation](./ciphers/ -- [Base32](./ciphers/ -- [Base85](./ciphers/ -- [Base64 Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Onepad Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Caesar Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Hill Cipher](./ciphers/ -- [Cryptomath Module](./ciphers/ - -## Arithmetic Analysis - -- [Bisection](./arithmetic_analysis/ -- [Newton Method](./arithmetic_analysis/ -- [Newton Raphson Method](./arithmetic_analysis/ -- [Intersection](./arithmetic_analysis/ -- [Lu Decomposition](./arithmetic_analysis/ - -## Boolean Algebra - -- [Quine Mc Cluskey](./boolean_algebra/ - -## Traversals - -- [Binary Tree Traversals](./traversals/ - -## Maths - -- [Average](./maths/ -- [Abs Max](./maths/ -- [Average Median](./maths/ -- [Trapezoidal Rule](./maths/ -- [Prime Check](./maths/ -- [Modular Exponential](./maths/ -- [Newton Raphson](./maths/ -- [Factorial Recursive](./maths/ -- [Extended Euclidean Algorithm](./maths/ -- [Greater Common Divisor](./maths/ -- [Fibonacci](./maths/ -- [Find Lcm](./maths/ -- [Find Max](./maths/ -- [Fermat Little Theorem](./maths/ -- [Factorial Python](./maths/ -- [Fibonacci Sequence Recursion](./maths/ -- [Sieve Of Eratosthenes](./maths/ -- [Abs Min](./maths/ -- [Lucas Series](./maths/ -- [Segmented Sieve](./maths/ -- [Find Min](./maths/ -- [Abs](./maths/ -- [Simpson Rule](./maths/ -- [Basic Maths](./maths/ -- [3n+1](./maths/ -- [Binary Exponentiation](./maths/ - -## Digital Image Processing - -- ## Filters - - - [Median Filter](./digital_image_processing/filters/ - - [Gaussian Filter](./digital_image_processing/filters/ - - -## Compression - -- [Peak Signal To Noise Ratio](./compression/ -- [Huffman](./compression/ - -## Graphs - -- [BFS Shortest Path](./graphs/ -- [Directed And Undirected (Weighted) Graph](<./graphs/Directed_and_Undirected_(Weighted)>) -- [Minimum Spanning Tree Prims](./graphs/ -- [Graph Matrix](./graphs/ -- [Basic Graphs](./graphs/ -- [Dijkstra 2](./graphs/ -- [Tarjans Strongly Connected Components](./graphs/ -- [Check Bipartite Graph BFS](./graphs/ -- [Depth First Search](./graphs/ -- [Kahns Algorithm Long](./graphs/ -- [Breadth First Search](./graphs/ -- [Dijkstra](./graphs/ -- [Articulation Points](./graphs/ -- [Bellman Ford](./graphs/ -- [Check Bipartite Graph Dfs](./graphs/ -- [Strongly Connected Components Kosaraju](./graphs/ -- [Multi Hueristic Astar](./graphs/ -- [Page Rank](./graphs/ -- [Eulerian Path And Circuit For Undirected Graph](./graphs/ -- [Edmonds Karp Multiple Source And Sink](./graphs/ -- [Floyd Warshall](./graphs/ -- [Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal](./graphs/ -- [Prim](./graphs/ -- [Kahns Algorithm Topo](./graphs/ -- [BFS](./graphs/ -- [Finding Bridges](./graphs/ -- [Graph List](./graphs/ -- [Dijkstra Algorithm](./graphs/ -- [A Star](./graphs/ -- [Even Tree](./graphs/ -- [DFS](./graphs/ - -## Networking Flow - -- [Minimum Cut](./networking_flow/ -- [Ford Fulkerson](./networking_flow/ - -## Matrix - -- [Matrix Operation](./matrix/ -- [Searching In Sorted Matrix](./matrix/ -- [Spiral Print](./matrix/ - -## Searches - -- [Quick Select](./searches/ -- [Binary Search](./searches/ -- [Interpolation Search](./searches/ -- [Jump Search](./searches/ -- [Linear Search](./searches/ -- [Ternary Search](./searches/ -- [Tabu Search](./searches/ -- [Sentinel Linear Search](./searches/ - -## Conversions - -- [Decimal To Binary](./conversions/ -- [Decimal To Octal](./conversions/ - -## Dynamic Programming - -- [Fractional Knapsack](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Sum Of Subset](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Fast Fibonacci](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Bitmask](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Abbreviation](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Rod Cutting](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Knapsack](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Max Sub Array](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Fibonacci](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Minimum Partition](./dynamic_programming/ -- [K Means Clustering Tensorflow](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Coin Change](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Subset Generation](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Floyd Warshall](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Longest Sub Array](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Integer Partition](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Matrix Chain Order](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Edit Distance](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Longest Common Subsequence](./dynamic_programming/ -- [Longest Increasing Subsequence O(nlogn)](<./dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py>) -- [Longest Increasing Subsequence](./dynamic_programming/ - -## Divide And Conquer - -- [Max Subarray Sum](./divide_and_conquer/ -- [Closest Pair Of Points](./divide_and_conquer/ - -## Strings - -- [Knuth Morris Pratt](./strings/ -- [Rabin Karp](./strings/ -- [Naive String Search](./strings/ -- [Levenshtein Distance](./strings/ -- [Min Cost String Conversion](./strings/ -- [Boyer Moore Search](./strings/ -- [Manacher](./strings/ - -## Sorts - -- [Quick Sort](./sorts/ -- [Selection Sort](./sorts/ -- [Bitonic Sort](./sorts/ -- [Cycle Sort](./sorts/ -- [Comb Sort](./sorts/ -- [Topological Sort](./sorts/ -- [Merge Sort Fastest](./sorts/ -- [Random Pivot Quick Sort](./sorts/ -- [Heap Sort](./sorts/ -- [Insertion Sort](./sorts/ -- [Counting Sort](./sorts/ -- [Bucket Sort](./sorts/ -- [Quick Sort 3 Partition](./sorts/ -- [Bogo Sort](./sorts/ -- [Shell Sort](./sorts/ -- [Pigeon Sort](./sorts/ -- [Odd-Even Transposition Parallel](./sorts/ -- [Tree Sort](./sorts/ -- [Cocktail Shaker Sort](./sorts/ -- [Random Normal Distribution Quicksort](./sorts/ -- [Wiggle Sort](./sorts/ -- [Pancake Sort](./sorts/ -- [External Sort](./sorts/ -- [Tim Sort](./sorts/ -- [Sorting Graphs.png](./sorts/sorting_graphs.png) -- [Radix Sort](./sorts/ -- [Odd-Even Transposition Single-threaded](./sorts/ -- [Bubble Sort](./sorts/ -- [Gnome Sort](./sorts/ -- [Merge Sort](./sorts/ - -## Machine Learning - -- [Perceptron](./machine_learning/ -- [Random Forest Classifier](./machine_learning/random_forest_classification/random_forest_classifier.ipynb) -- [NaiveBayes.ipynb](./machine_learning/NaiveBayes.ipynb) -- [Scoring Functions](./machine_learning/ -- [Logistic Regression](./machine_learning/ -- [Gradient Descent](./machine_learning/ -- [Linear Regression](./machine_learning/ -- [Random Forest Regression](./machine_learning/random_forest_regression/ -- [Random Forest Regression](./machine_learning/random_forest_regression/random_forest_regression.ipynb) -- [Reuters One Vs Rest Classifier.ipynb](./machine_learning/reuters_one_vs_rest_classifier.ipynb) -- [Decision Tree](./machine_learning/ -- [Knn Sklearn](./machine_learning/ -- [K Means Clust](./machine_learning/ - -## Neural Network - -- [Perceptron](./neural_network/ -- [Fully Connected Neural Network](./neural_network/fully_connected_neural_network.ipynb) -- [Convolution Neural Network](./neural_network/ -- [Back Propagation Neural Network](./neural_network/ - -## Data Structures - -- ## Binary Tree - - - [Basic Binary Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [Red Black Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [Fenwick Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [Treap](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [AVL Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [Segment Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [Lazy Segment Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - - [Binary Search Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/ - -- ## Trie - - - [Trie](./data_structures/trie/ - -- ## Linked List - - - [Swap Nodes](./data_structures/linked_list/ - - [Doubly Linked List](./data_structures/linked_list/ - - [Singly Linked List](./data_structures/linked_list/ - - [Is Palindrome](./data_structures/linked_list/ - -- ## Stacks - - - [Postfix Evaluation](./data_structures/stacks/ - - [Balanced Parentheses](./data_structures/stacks/ - - [Infix To Prefix Conversion](./data_structures/stacks/ - - [Stack](./data_structures/stacks/ - - [Infix To Postfix Conversion](./data_structures/stacks/ - - [Next Greater Element](./data_structures/stacks/ - - [Stock Span Problem](./data_structures/stacks/ - -- ## Queue - - - [Queue On Pseudo Stack](./data_structures/queue/ - - [Double Ended Queue](./data_structures/queue/ - - [Queue On List](./data_structures/queue/ - -- ## Heap - - - [Heap](./data_structures/heap/ - -- ## Hashing - - - [Hash Table With Linked List](./data_structures/hashing/ - - [Quadratic Probing](./data_structures/hashing/ - - [Hash Table](./data_structures/hashing/ - - [Double Hash](./data_structures/hashing/ - - -## Other - -- [Detecting English Programmatically](./other/ -- [Fischer Yates Shuffle](./other/ -- [Primelib](./other/ -- [Binary Exponentiation 2](./other/ -- [Anagrams](./other/ -- [Palindrome](./other/ -- [Finding Primes](./other/ -- [Two Sum](./other/ -- [Password Generator](./other/ -- [Linear Congruential Generator](./other/ -- [Frequency Finder](./other/ -- [Euclidean Gcd](./other/ -- [Word Patterns](./other/ -- [Nested Brackets](./other/ -- [Binary Exponentiation](./other/ -- [Sierpinski Triangle](./other/ -- [Game Of Life](./other/ -- [Tower Of Hanoi](./other/ +See our [directory]( diff --git a/ciphers/ b/ciphers/ index 162614c72..5653f0213 100644 --- a/ciphers/ +++ b/ciphers/ @@ -18,4 +18,6 @@ def Atbash(): output+=i print(output) -Atbash() + +if __name__ == '__main__': + Atbash() diff --git a/ciphers/ b/ciphers/ index e22f19b48..872b5d819 100644 --- a/ciphers/ +++ b/ciphers/ @@ -59,4 +59,7 @@ def main(): elif choice == '4': print ("Goodbye.") break -main() + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() diff --git a/other/ b/other/ index 005fd3c10..8b73ff6cf 100644 --- a/other/ +++ b/other/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ LETTERS_AND_SPACE = UPPERLETTERS + UPPERLETTERS.lower() + ' \t\n' def loadDictionary(): path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) englishWords = {} - with open(path[0] + '/Dictionary.txt') as dictionaryFile: + with open(path[0] + '/dictionary.txt') as dictionaryFile: for word in'\n'): englishWords[word] = None return englishWords diff --git a/other/ b/other/ index 329a8ce5c..fc22aad96 100644 --- a/other/ +++ b/other/ @@ -27,13 +27,6 @@ Credits: This code was written by editing the code from http://www.riannetrujill import turtle import sys PROGNAME = 'Sierpinski Triangle' -if len(sys.argv) !=2: - raise Exception('right format for using this script: $python ') - -myPen = turtle.Turtle() -myPen.speed(5) -myPen.pencolor('red') points = [[-175,-125],[0,175],[175,-125]] #size of triangle @@ -64,4 +57,12 @@ def triangle(points,depth): depth-1) -triangle(points,int(sys.argv[1])) +if __name__ == '__main__': + if len(sys.argv) !=2: + raise ValueError('right format for using this script: ' + '$python ') + myPen = turtle.Turtle() + + myPen.speed(5) + myPen.pencolor('red') + triangle(points,int(sys.argv[1])) diff --git a/other/ b/other/ index dc15b2ce8..9cc5b9e40 100644 --- a/other/ +++ b/other/ @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ def moveTower(height, fromPole, toPole, withPole): moveTower(height-1, withPole, toPole, fromPole) def moveDisk(fp,tp): - print(('moving disk from', fp, 'to', tp)) + print('moving disk from', fp, 'to', tp) def main(): - height = int(input('Height of hanoi: ')) + height = int(input('Height of hanoi: ').strip()) moveTower(height, 'A', 'B', 'C') if __name__ == '__main__': diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30179ac34 --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +black +flake8 +matplotlib +mypy +numpy +pytest diff --git a/searches/ b/searches/ index e21ddd53c..ffd84f8ac 100644 --- a/searches/ +++ b/searches/ @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def generate_neighbours(path): and the cost (distance) for each neighbor. Example of dict_of_neighbours: - >>> dict_of_neighbours[a] + >>) dict_of_neighbours[a] [[b,20],[c,18],[d,22],[e,26]] This indicates the neighbors of node (city) 'a', which has neighbor the node 'b' with distance 20, @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def find_neighborhood(solution, dict_of_neighbours): Example: - >>> find_neighborhood(['a','c','b','d','e','a']) + >>) find_neighborhood(['a','c','b','d','e','a']) [['a','e','b','d','c','a',90], [['a','c','d','b','e','a',90],['a','d','b','c','e','a',93], ['a','c','b','e','d','a',102], ['a','c','e','d','b','a',113], ['a','b','c','d','e','a',93]] diff --git a/sorts/ b/sorts/ index bae95b434..ba40a1f69 100644 --- a/sorts/ +++ b/sorts/ @@ -42,15 +42,16 @@ def sort(a, N, up): bitonicSort(a, 0, N, up) -# Driver code to test above -a = [] +if __name__ == "__main__": + # Driver code to test above + a = [] -n = int(input()) -for i in range(n): - a.append(int(input())) -up = 1 + n = int(input().strip()) + for i in range(n): + a.append(int(input().strip())) + up = 1 -sort(a, n, up) -print("\n\nSorted array is") -for i in range(n): - print("%d" % a[i]) + sort(a, n, up) + print("\n\nSorted array is") + for i in range(n): + print("%d" % a[i]) diff --git a/sorts/ b/sorts/ index e17fc3358..4e2c19b65 100644 --- a/sorts/ +++ b/sorts/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def bubble_sort(collection): [-45, -5, -2] >>> bubble_sort([-23,0,6,-4,34]) - [-23,-4,0,6,34] + [-23, -4, 0, 6, 34] """ length = len(collection) for i in range(length-1):