* Type annotations for `breadth_first_search.py`
* Type annotations for `breadth_first_search_2.py`
* Remove from excluded in mypy.ini
* Add doctest.testmod()
* Type annotations for `graphs/check_cycle.py`
* Type annotations for `graphs/greedy_min_vertex_cover.py`
* Remove from excluded in mypy.ini
* added complete graph generator function
* added doctest, type hints, wikipedia explanation
* added return type hint for function complete_graph
* added descriptive name for the parameter: n
* random graph generator with doctest and type hints
* added Greedy min vertex algorithm
* pre-commit hook(s) made changes
* Delete complete_graph_generator.py
* Delete random_graph_generator.py
* fixed doctest
* updated commit following highligths
* fixed following pre-commit highlights
* modified variables names