class Node: # create a Node def __init__(self, data): = data # given data = None # given next to None class Linked_List: def __init__(self): self.Head = None # Initialize Head to None def insert_tail(self, data): if(self.Head is None): self.insert_head(data) #If this is first node, call insert_head else: temp = self.Head while( != None): #traverse to last node temp = = Node(data) #create node & link to tail def insert_head(self, data): newNod = Node(data) # create a new node if self.Head != None: = self.Head # link newNode to head self.Head = newNod # make NewNode as Head def printList(self): # print every node data tamp = self.Head while tamp is not None: print( tamp = def delete_head(self): # delete from head temp = self.Head if self.Head != None: self.Head = = None return temp def delete_tail(self): # delete from tail tamp = self.Head if self.Head != None: if( is None): # if Head is the only Node in the Linked List self.Head = None else: while is not None: # find the 2nd last element tamp =, tamp = None, #(2nd last element).next = None and tamp = last element return tamp def isEmpty(self): return self.Head is None # Return if Head is none def reverse(self): prev = None current = self.Head while current: # Store the current node's next node. next_node = # Make the current node's next point backwards = prev # Make the previous node be the current node prev = current # Make the current node the next node (to progress iteration) current = next_node # Return prev in order to put the head at the end self.Head = prev def main(): A = Linked_List() print("Inserting 1st at Head") a1=input() A.insert_head(a1) print("Inserting 2nd at Head") a2=input() A.insert_head(a2) print("\nPrint List : ") A.printList() print("\nInserting 1st at Tail") a3=input() A.insert_tail(a3) print("Inserting 2nd at Tail") a4=input() A.insert_tail(a4) print("\nPrint List : ") A.printList() print("\nDelete Head") A.delete_head() print("Delete Tail") A.delete_tail() print("\nPrint List : ") A.printList() print("\nReverse Linked List") A.reverse() print("\nPrint List : ") A.printList() if __name__ == '__main__': main()