import secrets
from random import shuffle
from string import ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase, digits, punctuation

def password_generator(length: int = 8) -> str:
    Password Generator allows you to generate a random password of length N.

    >>> len(password_generator())
    >>> len(password_generator(length=16))
    >>> len(password_generator(257))
    >>> len(password_generator(length=0))
    >>> len(password_generator(-1))
    chars = ascii_letters + digits + punctuation
    return "".join(secrets.choice(chars) for _ in range(length))

# chars_incl= characters that must be in password
# i= how many letters or characters the password length will be
def alternative_password_generator(chars_incl: str, i: int) -> str:
    # Password Generator = full boot with random_number, random_letters, and
    # random_character FUNCTIONS
    # Put your code here...
    i -= len(chars_incl)
    quotient = i // 3
    remainder = i % 3
    # chars = chars_incl + random_letters(ascii_letters, i / 3 + remainder) +
    #     random_number(digits, i / 3) + random_characters(punctuation, i / 3)
    chars = (
        + random(ascii_letters, quotient + remainder)
        + random(digits, quotient)
        + random(punctuation, quotient)
    list_of_chars = list(chars)
    return "".join(list_of_chars)

    # random is a generalised function for letters, characters and numbers

def random(chars_incl: str, i: int) -> str:
    return "".join(secrets.choice(chars_incl) for _ in range(i))

def random_number(chars_incl, i):
    pass  # Put your code here...

def random_letters(chars_incl, i):
    pass  # Put your code here...

def random_characters(chars_incl, i):
    pass  # Put your code here...

# This Will Check Whether A Given Password Is Strong Or Not
# It Follows The Rule that Length Of Password Should Be At Least 8 Characters
# And At Least 1 Lower, 1 Upper, 1 Number And 1 Special Character
def is_strong_password(password: str, min_length: int = 8) -> bool:
    >>> is_strong_password('Hwea7$2!')
    >>> is_strong_password('Sh0r1')
    >>> is_strong_password('Hello123')
    >>> is_strong_password('Hello1238udfhiaf038fajdvjjf!jaiuFhkqi1')
    >>> is_strong_password('0')

    if len(password) < min_length:
        # Your Password must be at least 8 characters long
        return False

    upper = any(char in ascii_uppercase for char in password)
    lower = any(char in ascii_lowercase for char in password)
    num = any(char in digits for char in password)
    spec_char = any(char in punctuation for char in password)

    return upper and lower and num and spec_char
    # Passwords should contain UPPERCASE, lowerase
    # numbers, and special characters

def main():
    length = int(input("Please indicate the max length of your password: ").strip())
    chars_incl = input(
        "Please indicate the characters that must be in your password: "
    print("Password generated:", password_generator(length))
        "Alternative Password generated:",
        alternative_password_generator(chars_incl, length),
    print("[If you are thinking of using this passsword, You better save it.]")

if __name__ == "__main__":