import pandas as pd import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from typing import dict, list class DbScan: ''' DBSCAN Algorithm : Density-Based Spatial Clustering Of Applications With Noise Refer this website for more details : Functions: ---------- __init__() : Constructor that sets minPts, radius and file perform_dbscan() : Invoked by constructor and calculates the core and noise points and returns a dictionary. print_dbscan() : Prints the core and noise points along with stating if the noise are border points or not. plot_dbscan() : Plots the points to show the core and noise point. To create a object ------------------ import dbscan obj = dbscan.DbScan(minpts, radius, file) obj.print_dbscan() obj.plot_dbscan() ''' def __init__(self, minpts : int, radius : int, file : str) -> None: ''' Constructor Attributes: ----------- minpts (int) : Minimum number of points needed to be within the radius to considered as core radius (int) : The radius from a given core point where other core points can be considered as core file (csv) : CSV file location. Should contain x and y coordinate value for each point. Example : minPts = 4 radius = 1.9 file = 'data_dbscan.csv' File Structure of CSV Data: --------------------------- _____ x | y ----- 3 | 7 4 | 6 5 | 5 6 | 4 7 | 3 ----- ''' self.minpts = minpts self.radius = radius self.file = file self.dict1 = self.perform_dbscan() def perform_dbscan(self) -> dict[int, list[int]]: ''' Parameters: ----------- None Return: -------- Dictionary with points and the list of points that lie in its radius ''' data = pd.read_csv(self.file) e = self.radius dict1 = {} for i in range(len(data)): for j in range(len(data)): dist = math.sqrt(pow(data['x'][j] - data['x'][i],2) + pow(data['y'][j] - data['y'][i],2)) if dist < e: if i+1 in dict1: dict1[i+1].append(j+1) else: dict1[i+1] = [j+1,] return dict1 def print_dbscan(self) -> None: ''' Outputs: -------- Prints each point and if it is a core or a noise (w/ border) ''' for i in self.dict1: print(i," ",self.dict1[i], end=' ---> ') if len(self.dict1[i]) >= self.minpts: print("Core") else: for j in self.dict1: if i != j and len(self.dict1[j]) >= self.minpts and i in self.dict1[j]: print("Noise ---> Border") break else: print("Noise") def plot_dbscan(self) -> None: ''' Output: ------- A matplotlib plot that show points as core and noise along with the circle that lie within it. ''' data = pd.read_csv(self.file) e = self.radius for i in self.dict1: if len(self.dict1[i]) >= self.minpts: plt.scatter(data['x'][i-1], data['y'][i-1], color='red') circle = plt.Circle((data['x'][i-1], data['y'][i-1]), e, color='blue', fill=False) plt.gca().add_artist(circle) plt.text(data['x'][i-1], data['y'][i-1], 'P'+str(i), ha='center', va='bottom') else: plt.scatter(data['x'][i-1], data['y'][i-1], color='green') plt.text(data['x'][i-1], data['y'][i-1], 'P'+str(i), ha='center', va='bottom') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') plt.title('DBSCAN Clustering') plt.legend(['Core','Noise'])