""" Note: This algorithm has memory persistence. So multiple runs on the same runtime will carry junk and scramble the result! """ alphabets = [chr(i) for i in range(32, 126)] gear_one = list(range(len(alphabets))) gear_two = list(range(len(alphabets))) gear_three = list(range(len(alphabets))) reflector = list(reversed(range(len(alphabets)))) code = [] gear_one_pos = gear_two_pos = gear_three_pos = 0 def rotator(): global gear_one_pos global gear_two_pos global gear_three_pos i = gear_one[0] gear_one.append(i) del gear_one[0] gear_one_pos += 1 if gear_one_pos % int(len(alphabets)) == 0: i = gear_two[0] gear_two.append(i) del gear_two[0] gear_two_pos += 1 if gear_two_pos % int(len(alphabets)) == 0: i = gear_three[0] gear_three.append(i) del gear_three[0] gear_three_pos += 1 def engine(input_character): target = alphabets.index(input_character) target = gear_one[target] target = gear_two[target] target = gear_three[target] target = reflector[target] target = gear_three.index(target) target = gear_two.index(target) target = gear_one.index(target) code.append(alphabets[target]) rotator() def encode_or_decode(message, token): """ >>> encode_or_decode("hello", 3) (['/', '0', "'", '%', ' '], 3) """ for _ in range(token): rotator() for j in message: engine(j) return code, token def menu(): decode = list(input("Type your message:\n")) while True: try: token = int(input("Please set token:(must be only digits)\n")) break except Exception as error: print(error) for _ in range(token): rotator() for j in decode: engine(j) print("\n" + "".join(code)) print( f"\nYour Token is {token} please write it down.\nIf you want to decode " "this message again you should input same digits as token!" ) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()