#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function, division try: raw_input # Python 2 except NameError: raw_input = input # Python 3 #This heap class start from here. class Heap: def __init__(self): #Default constructor of heap class. self.h = [] self.currsize = 0 def leftChild(self,i): if 2*i+1 < self.currsize: return 2*i+1 return None def rightChild(self,i): if 2*i+2 < self.currsize: return 2*i+2 return None def maxHeapify(self,node): if node < self.currsize: m = node lc = self.leftChild(node) rc = self.rightChild(node) if lc is not None and self.h[lc] > self.h[m]: m = lc if rc is not None and self.h[rc] > self.h[m]: m = rc if m!=node: temp = self.h[node] self.h[node] = self.h[m] self.h[m] = temp self.maxHeapify(m) def buildHeap(self,a): #This function is used to build the heap from the data container 'a'. self.currsize = len(a) self.h = list(a) for i in range(self.currsize//2,-1,-1): self.maxHeapify(i) def getMax(self): #This function is used to get maximum value from the heap. if self.currsize >= 1: me = self.h[0] temp = self.h[0] self.h[0] = self.h[self.currsize-1] self.h[self.currsize-1] = temp self.currsize -= 1 self.maxHeapify(0) return me return None def heapSort(self): #This function is used to sort the heap. size = self.currsize while self.currsize-1 >= 0: temp = self.h[0] self.h[0] = self.h[self.currsize-1] self.h[self.currsize-1] = temp self.currsize -= 1 self.maxHeapify(0) self.currsize = size def insert(self,data): #This function is used to insert data in the heap. self.h.append(data) curr = self.currsize self.currsize+=1 while self.h[curr] > self.h[curr/2]: temp = self.h[curr/2] self.h[curr/2] = self.h[curr] self.h[curr] = temp curr = curr/2 def display(self): #This function is used to print the heap. print(self.h) def main(): l = list(map(int, raw_input().split())) h = Heap() h.buildHeap(l) h.heapSort() h.display() if __name__=='__main__': main()