# Chatbot with Chat history stored in Database This project is a simple chatbot application built using Python, integrating a database for chat history storage and a language model service to generate responses. The chatbot can handle user messages, manage chat history, and terminate conversations upon receiving a `/stop` command. ## Features - **Conversation Handling**: The bot processes user inputs and generates responses using a language model service. - **Database Integration**: Stores chat data (user messages and bot responses) and maintains chat history. - **Session Management**: Supports starting and terminating chat sessions, including proper logging of start and end times. - **Message Truncation**: Limits conversation history to the last few messages if the conversation exceeds a large number of entries. ## Components - **`Chatbot` Class**: Core logic for handling user messages and managing the chat lifecycle. - **`Database` (Mocked in tests)**: Handles chat data storage (methods for inserting and retrieving data). - **`LLM Service` (Mocked in tests)**: Generates responses to user input based on conversation history. ## Installation 1. Clone the repository: 2. Install the necessary dependencies ```bash pip3 install requirements.txt ``` 4. Run the bot or test it using `doctest`: ```bash python3 -m doctest -v chatbot.py ``` ## Usage 1. **Create Database**: Create a databse named `ChatDB` in Mysql 2. **Create .env**: ``` # Together API key TOGETHER_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY" # Groq API key GROQ_API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY" # MySQL connectionDB (if you're running locally) DB_USER = "" DB_PASSWORD = "" DB_HOST = "" DB_NAME = "ChatDB" PORT = "3306" ``` 7. **Handling Messages**: run below command to start the chat in console, you can login to your Database to check the chat history ```python python3 main.py ``` 10. **Ending the Chat**: When the user sends `/stop`, the chat will terminate and log the end of the conversation with the message 'conversation-terminated' ## Testing The code includes basic `doctests` to verify the chatbot's functionality using mock services for the database and language model: - Run the tests: ```bash python3 -m doctest -v chatbot.py ```