def roman_to_int(roman: str) -> int: """ LeetCode No. 13 Roman to Integer Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer. Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999. >>> tests = {"III": 3, "CLIV": 154, "MIX": 1009, "MMD": 2500, "MMMCMXCIX": 3999} >>> all(roman_to_int(key) == value for key, value in tests.items()) True """ vals = {"I": 1, "V": 5, "X": 10, "L": 50, "C": 100, "D": 500, "M": 1000} total = 0 place = 0 while place < len(roman): if (place + 1 < len(roman)) and (vals[roman[place]] < vals[roman[place + 1]]): total += vals[roman[place + 1]] - vals[roman[place]] place += 2 else: total += vals[roman[place]] place += 1 return total if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()