from __future__ import print_function import heapq import numpy as np try: xrange # Python 2 except NameError: xrange = range # Python 3 class PriorityQueue: def __init__(self): self.elements = [] self.set = set() def minkey(self): if not self.empty(): return self.elements[0][0] else: return float('inf') def empty(self): return len(self.elements) == 0 def put(self, item, priority): if item not in self.set: heapq.heappush(self.elements, (priority, item)) self.set.add(item) else: # update # print("update", item) temp = [] (pri, x) = heapq.heappop(self.elements) while x != item: temp.append((pri, x)) (pri, x) = heapq.heappop(self.elements) temp.append((priority, item)) for (pro, xxx) in temp: heapq.heappush(self.elements, (pro, xxx)) def remove_element(self, item): if item in self.set: self.set.remove(item) temp = [] (pro, x) = heapq.heappop(self.elements) while x != item: temp.append((pro, x)) (pro, x) = heapq.heappop(self.elements) for (prito, yyy) in temp: heapq.heappush(self.elements, (prito, yyy)) def top_show(self): return self.elements[0][1] def get(self): (priority, item) = heapq.heappop(self.elements) self.set.remove(item) return (priority, item) def consistent_hueristic(P, goal): # euclidean distance a = np.array(P) b = np.array(goal) return np.linalg.norm(a - b) def hueristic_2(P, goal): # integer division by time variable return consistent_hueristic(P, goal) // t def hueristic_1(P, goal): # manhattan distance return abs(P[0] - goal[0]) + abs(P[1] - goal[1]) def key(start, i, goal, g_function): ans = g_function[start] + W1 * hueristics[i](start, goal) return ans def do_something(back_pointer, goal, start): grid = np.chararray((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): grid[i][j] = '*' for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if (j, (n-1)-i) in blocks: grid[i][j] = "#" grid[0][(n-1)] = "-" x = back_pointer[goal] while x != start: (x_c, y_c) = x # print(x) grid[(n-1)-y_c][x_c] = "-" x = back_pointer[x] grid[(n-1)][0] = "-" for i in xrange(n): for j in range(n): if (i, j) == (0, n-1): print(grid[i][j], end=' ') print("<-- End position", end=' ') else: print(grid[i][j], end=' ') print() print("^") print("Start position") print() print("# is an obstacle") print("- is the path taken by algorithm") print("PATH TAKEN BY THE ALGORITHM IS:-") x = back_pointer[goal] while x != start: print(x, end=' ') x = back_pointer[x] print(x) quit() def valid(p): if p[0] < 0 or p[0] > n-1: return False if p[1] < 0 or p[1] > n-1: return False return True def expand_state(s, j, visited, g_function, close_list_anchor, close_list_inad, open_list, back_pointer): for itera in range(n_hueristic): open_list[itera].remove_element(s) # print("s", s) # print("j", j) (x, y) = s left = (x-1, y) right = (x+1, y) up = (x, y+1) down = (x, y-1) for neighbours in [left, right, up, down]: if neighbours not in blocks: if valid(neighbours) and neighbours not in visited: # print("neighbour", neighbours) visited.add(neighbours) back_pointer[neighbours] = -1 g_function[neighbours] = float('inf') if valid(neighbours) and g_function[neighbours] > g_function[s] + 1: g_function[neighbours] = g_function[s] + 1 back_pointer[neighbours] = s if neighbours not in close_list_anchor: open_list[0].put(neighbours, key(neighbours, 0, goal, g_function)) if neighbours not in close_list_inad: for var in range(1,n_hueristic): if key(neighbours, var, goal, g_function) <= W2 * key(neighbours, 0, goal, g_function): # print("why not plssssssssss") open_list[j].put(neighbours, key(neighbours, var, goal, g_function)) # print def make_common_ground(): some_list = [] # block 1 for x in range(1, 5): for y in range(1, 6): some_list.append((x, y)) # line for x in range(15, 20): some_list.append((x, 17)) # block 2 big for x in range(10, 19): for y in range(1, 15): some_list.append((x, y)) # L block for x in range(1, 4): for y in range(12, 19): some_list.append((x, y)) for x in range(3, 13): for y in range(16, 19): some_list.append((x, y)) return some_list hueristics = {0: consistent_hueristic, 1: hueristic_1, 2: hueristic_2} blocks_blk = [(0, 1),(1, 1),(2, 1),(3, 1),(4, 1),(5, 1),(6, 1),(7, 1),(8, 1),(9, 1),(10, 1),(11, 1),(12, 1),(13, 1),(14, 1),(15, 1),(16, 1),(17, 1),(18, 1), (19, 1)] blocks_no = [] blocks_all = make_common_ground() blocks = blocks_blk # hyper parameters W1 = 1 W2 = 1 n = 20 n_hueristic = 3 # one consistent and two other inconsistent # start and end destination start = (0, 0) goal = (n-1, n-1) t = 1 def multi_a_star(start, goal, n_hueristic): g_function = {start: 0, goal: float('inf')} back_pointer = {start:-1, goal:-1} open_list = [] visited = set() for i in range(n_hueristic): open_list.append(PriorityQueue()) open_list[i].put(start, key(start, i, goal, g_function)) close_list_anchor = [] close_list_inad = [] while open_list[0].minkey() < float('inf'): for i in range(1, n_hueristic): # print("i", i) # print(open_list[0].minkey(), open_list[i].minkey()) if open_list[i].minkey() <= W2 * open_list[0].minkey(): global t t += 1 # print("less prio") if g_function[goal] <= open_list[i].minkey(): if g_function[goal] < float('inf'): do_something(back_pointer, goal, start) else: _, get_s = open_list[i].top_show() visited.add(get_s) expand_state(get_s, i, visited, g_function, close_list_anchor, close_list_inad, open_list, back_pointer) close_list_inad.append(get_s) else: # print("more prio") if g_function[goal] <= open_list[0].minkey(): if g_function[goal] < float('inf'): do_something(back_pointer, goal, start) else: # print("hoolla") get_s = open_list[0].top_show() visited.add(get_s) expand_state(get_s, 0, visited, g_function, close_list_anchor, close_list_inad, open_list, back_pointer) close_list_anchor.append(get_s) print("No path found to goal") print() for i in range(n-1,-1, -1): for j in range(n): if (j, i) in blocks: print('#', end=' ') elif (j, i) in back_pointer: if (j, i) == (n-1, n-1): print('*', end=' ') else: print('-', end=' ') else: print('*', end=' ') if (j, i) == (n-1, n-1): print('<-- End position', end=' ') print() print("^") print("Start position") print() print("# is an obstacle") print("- is the path taken by algorithm") if __name__ == "__main__": multi_a_star(start, goal, n_hueristic)