class GRAPH: """docstring for GRAPH""" def __init__(self, nodes): self.nodes=nodes self.graph=[[0]*nodes for i in range (nodes)] self.visited=[0]*nodes def show(self): print self.graph def add_edge(self, i, j): self.graph[i][j]=1 self.graph[j][i]=1 def bfs(self,s): queue=[s] while len(queue)!=0: x=queue.pop(0) print(x) self.visited[x]=1 for i in range(0,self.nodes): if self.graph[x][i]==1 and self.visited[i]==0: queue.append(i) self.visited[i]=1 n=int(input("Enter the number of Nodes : ")) g=GRAPH(n) e=int(input("Enter the no of edges : ")) print("Enter the edges (u v)") for i in range(0,e): u,v=map(int, raw_input().split()) g.add_edge(u,v) s=int(input("Enter the source node :")) g.bfs(s)