""" Author : Syed Faizan ( 3rd Year IIIT Pune ) Github : faizan2700 Purpose : You have one function f(x) which takes float integer and returns float you have to integrate the function in limits a to b. The approximation proposed by Thomas Simpsons in 1743 is one way to calculate integration. ( read article : https://cp-algorithms.com/num_methods/simpson-integration.html ) simpson_integration() takes function,lower_limit=a,upper_limit=b,precision and returns the integration of function in given limit. """ # constants # the more the number of steps the more accurate N_STEPS = 1000 def f(x: float) -> float: return x * x """ Summary of Simpson Approximation : By simpsons integration : 1. integration of fxdx with limit a to b is = f(x0) + 4 * f(x1) + 2 * f(x2) + 4 * f(x3) + 2 * f(x4)..... + f(xn) where x0 = a xi = a + i * h xn = b """ def simpson_integration(function, a: float, b: float, precision: int = 4) -> float: """ Args: function : the function which's integration is desired a : the lower limit of integration b : upper limit of integration precision : precision of the result,error required default is 4 Returns: result : the value of the approximated integration of function in range a to b Raises: AssertionError: function is not callable AssertionError: a is not float or integer AssertionError: function should return float or integer AssertionError: b is not float or integer AssertionError: precision is not positive integer >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,1,2,3) 2.333 >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,'wrong_input',2,3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: a should be float or integer your input : wrong_input >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,1,'wrong_input',3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: b should be float or integer your input : wrong_input >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,1,2,'wrong_input') Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: precision should be positive integer your input : wrong_input >>> simpson_integration('wrong_input',2,3,4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: the function(object) passed should be callable your input : ... >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,3.45,3.2,1) -2.8 >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,3.45,3.2,0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: precision should be positive integer your input : 0 >>> simpson_integration(lambda x : x*x,3.45,3.2,-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: precision should be positive integer your input : -1 """ assert callable( function ), f"the function(object) passed should be callable your input : {function}" assert isinstance(a, (float, int)), f"a should be float or integer your input : {a}" assert isinstance(function(a), (float, int)), ( "the function should return integer or float return type of your function, " f"{type(a)}" ) assert isinstance(b, (float, int)), f"b should be float or integer your input : {b}" assert ( isinstance(precision, int) and precision > 0 ), f"precision should be positive integer your input : {precision}" # just applying the formula of simpson for approximate integration written in # mentioned article in first comment of this file and above this function h = (b - a) / N_STEPS result = function(a) + function(b) for i in range(1, N_STEPS): a1 = a + h * i result += function(a1) * (4 if i % 2 else 2) result *= h / 3 return round(result, precision) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()