""" By @Shreya123714 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_set https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_set_operations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membership_function_(mathematics) """ from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np @dataclass class GaussianFuzzySet: """ A class for representing and manipulating Gaussian fuzzy sets. Attributes: name: The name or label of the fuzzy set. mean: The mean value (center) of the Gaussianfuzzy set. std_dev: The standard deviation (controls the spread) of the Gaussian fuzzy set. is_complement: Indicates whether this is the complement of the original fuzzy set. Methods: membership(member): Calculate the membership value of an input 'member'in the fuzzy set. complement(): Create a new GaussianFuzzySet instance representing the complement. plot(): Plot the membership function of the fuzzy set. >>> fuzzy_set = GaussianFuzzySet("Medium Temperature", mean=25, std_dev=5) >>> fuzzy_set.membership(25) 1.0 >>> fuzzy_set.membership(30) 0.6065306597126334 >>> fuzzy_set.complement().membership(25) 0.0 """ name: str mean: float std_dev: float is_complement: bool = False # This flag indicates if it's the complement set def membership(self, member: float) -> float: """ Calculate the membership value of an input 'member' in the Gaussian fuzzy set. If it's a complement set, returns 1 - the Gaussian membership. >>> GaussianFuzzySet("Medium", 0, 1).membership(0) 1.0 >>> GaussianFuzzySet("Medium", 0, 1).membership(1) 0.6065306597126334 """ membership_value = np.exp(-0.5 * ((member - self.mean) / self.std_dev) ** 2) # Directly return for non-complement or return 1 - membership for complement return membership_value if not self.is_complement else 1 - membership_value def complement(self) -> GaussianFuzzySet: """ Create a new GaussianFuzzySet instance representing the complement. >>> GaussianFuzzySet("Medium", 0, 1).complement().membership(0) 0.0 """ return GaussianFuzzySet( f"¬{self.name}", self.mean, self.std_dev, is_complement=not self.is_complement, ) def plot(self) -> None: """ Plot the membership function of the Gaussian fuzzy set. """ x = np.linspace( self.mean - 3 * self.std_dev, self.mean + 3 * self.std_dev, 1000 ) y = [self.membership(xi) for xi in x] plt.plot(x, y, label=self.name) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("Membership") plt.legend() if __name__ == "__main__": from doctest import testmod testmod() # Create an instance of GaussianFuzzySet fuzzy_set = GaussianFuzzySet("Medium Temperature", mean=25, std_dev=5) # Display some membership values print(f"Membership at mean (25): {fuzzy_set.membership(25)}") print(f"Membership at 30: {fuzzy_set.membership(30)}") print( f"Complement Membership at mean (25): {fuzzy_set.complement().membership(25)}" ) # Plot the Gaussian Fuzzy Set and its complement fuzzy_set.plot() fuzzy_set.complement().plot() plt.title("Gaussian Fuzzy Set and its Complement") plt.show()