import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Get the HTML code of finance yahoo and select the current qsp-price
Current AAPL stock price is   228.43
Current AMZN stock price is   201.85
Current IBM  stock price is   210.30
Current GOOG stock price is   177.86
Current MSFT stock price is   414.82
Current ORCL stock price is   188.87

def stock_price(symbol: str = "AAPL") -> str:
    >>> stock_price("EEEE")
    '- '
    >>> isinstance(float(stock_price("GOOG")),float)
    url = f"{symbol}?p={symbol}"
    yahoo_finance_source = requests.get(
        url, headers={"USER-AGENT": "Mozilla/5.0"}, timeout=10
    soup = BeautifulSoup(yahoo_finance_source, "html.parser")

    if specific_fin_streamer_tag := soup.find("span", {"data-testid": "qsp-price"}):
        return specific_fin_streamer_tag.get_text()
    return "No <fin-streamer> tag with the specified data-testid attribute found."

# Search for the symbol at
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from doctest import testmod


    for symbol in "AAPL AMZN IBM GOOG MSFT ORCL".split():
        print(f"Current {symbol:<4} stock price is {stock_price(symbol):>8}")