# floyd_warshall.py """ The problem is to find the shortest distance between all pairs of vertices in a weighted directed graph that can have negative edge weights. """ def _print_dist(dist, v): print("\nThe shortest path matrix using Floyd Warshall algorithm\n") for i in range(v): for j in range(v): if dist[i][j] != float("inf"): print(int(dist[i][j]), end="\t") else: print("INF", end="\t") print() def floyd_warshall(graph, v): """ :param graph: 2D array calculated from weight[edge[i, j]] :type graph: List[List[float]] :param v: number of vertices :type v: int :return: shortest distance between all vertex pairs distance[u][v] will contain the shortest distance from vertex u to v. 1. For all edges from v to n, distance[i][j] = weight(edge(i, j)). 3. The algorithm then performs distance[i][j] = min(distance[i][j], distance[i][k] + distance[k][j]) for each possible pair i, j of vertices. 4. The above is repeated for each vertex k in the graph. 5. Whenever distance[i][j] is given a new minimum value, next vertex[i][j] is updated to the next vertex[i][k]. """ dist = [[float("inf") for _ in range(v)] for _ in range(v)] for i in range(v): for j in range(v): dist[i][j] = graph[i][j] # check vertex k against all other vertices (i, j) for k in range(v): # looping through rows of graph array for i in range(v): # looping through columns of graph array for j in range(v): if ( dist[i][k] != float("inf") and dist[k][j] != float("inf") and dist[i][k] + dist[k][j] < dist[i][j] ): dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j] _print_dist(dist, v) return dist, v if __name__ == "__main__": v = int(input("Enter number of vertices: ")) e = int(input("Enter number of edges: ")) graph = [[float("inf") for i in range(v)] for j in range(v)] for i in range(v): graph[i][i] = 0.0 # src and dst are indices that must be within the array size graph[e][v] # failure to follow this will result in an error for i in range(e): print("\nEdge ", i + 1) src = int(input("Enter source:")) dst = int(input("Enter destination:")) weight = float(input("Enter weight:")) graph[src][dst] = weight floyd_warshall(graph, v) # Example Input # Enter number of vertices: 3 # Enter number of edges: 2 # # generated graph from vertex and edge inputs # [[inf, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf]] # [[0.0, inf, inf], [inf, 0.0, inf], [inf, inf, 0.0]] # specify source, destination and weight for edge #1 # Edge 1 # Enter source:1 # Enter destination:2 # Enter weight:2 # specify source, destination and weight for edge #2 # Edge 2 # Enter source:2 # Enter destination:1 # Enter weight:1 # # Expected Output from the vertice, edge and src, dst, weight inputs!! # 0 INF INF # INF 0 2 # INF 1 0