""" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computus#Gauss'_Easter_algorithm """ import math from datetime import datetime, timedelta def gauss_easter(year: int) -> datetime: """ Calculation Gregorian easter date for given year >>> gauss_easter(2007) datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 8, 0, 0) >>> gauss_easter(2008) datetime.datetime(2008, 3, 23, 0, 0) >>> gauss_easter(2020) datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 12, 0, 0) >>> gauss_easter(2021) datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 4, 0, 0) """ metonic_cycle = year % 19 julian_leap_year = year % 4 non_leap_year = year % 7 leap_day_inhibits = math.floor(year / 100) lunar_orbit_correction = math.floor((13 + 8 * leap_day_inhibits) / 25) leap_day_reinstall_number = leap_day_inhibits / 4 secular_moon_shift = ( 15 - lunar_orbit_correction + leap_day_inhibits - leap_day_reinstall_number ) % 30 century_starting_point = (4 + leap_day_inhibits - leap_day_reinstall_number) % 7 # days to be added to March 21 days_to_add = (19 * metonic_cycle + secular_moon_shift) % 30 # PHM -> Paschal Full Moon days_from_phm_to_sunday = ( 2 * julian_leap_year + 4 * non_leap_year + 6 * days_to_add + century_starting_point ) % 7 if days_to_add == 29 and days_from_phm_to_sunday == 6: return datetime(year, 4, 19) elif days_to_add == 28 and days_from_phm_to_sunday == 6: return datetime(year, 4, 18) else: return datetime(year, 3, 22) + timedelta( days=int(days_to_add + days_from_phm_to_sunday) ) if __name__ == "__main__": for year in (1994, 2000, 2010, 2021, 2023): tense = "will be" if year > datetime.now().year else "was" print(f"Easter in {year} {tense} {gauss_easter(year)}")