import string from .stack import Stack __author__ = "Omkar Pathak" def is_operand(char): return char in string.ascii_letters or char in string.digits def precedence(char): """ Return integer value representing an operator's precedence, or order of operation. """ dictionary = {"+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "^": 3} return dictionary.get(char, -1) def infix_to_postfix(expression): """ Convert infix notation to postfix notation using the Shunting-yard algorithm. """ stack = Stack(len(expression)) postfix = [] for char in expression: if is_operand(char): postfix.append(char) elif char not in {"(", ")"}: while not stack.is_empty() and precedence(char) <= precedence(stack.peek()): postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.push(char) elif char == "(": stack.push(char) elif char == ")": while not stack.is_empty() and stack.peek() != "(": postfix.append(stack.pop()) # Pop '(' from stack. If there is no '(', there is a mismatched # parentheses. if stack.peek() != "(": raise ValueError("Mismatched parentheses") stack.pop() while not stack.is_empty(): postfix.append(stack.pop()) return " ".join(postfix) if __name__ == "__main__": expression = "a+b*(c^d-e)^(f+g*h)-i" print("Infix to Postfix Notation demonstration:\n") print("Infix notation: " + expression) print("Postfix notation: " + infix_to_postfix(expression))