def to_title_case(word: str) -> str: """ Converts a string to capitalized case, preserving the input as is >>> to_title_case("Aakash") 'Aakash' >>> to_title_case("aakash") 'Aakash' >>> to_title_case("AAKASH") 'Aakash' >>> to_title_case("aAkAsH") 'Aakash' """ """ Convert the first character to uppercase if it's lowercase """ if "a" <= word[0] <= "z": word = chr(ord(word[0]) - 32) + word[1:] """ Convert the remaining characters to lowercase if they are uppercase """ for i in range(1, len(word)): if "A" <= word[i] <= "Z": word = word[:i] + chr(ord(word[i]) + 32) + word[i + 1 :] return word def sentence_to_title_case(input_str: str) -> str: """ Converts a string to title case, preserving the input as is >>> sentence_to_title_case("Aakash Giri") 'Aakash Giri' >>> sentence_to_title_case("aakash giri") 'Aakash Giri' >>> sentence_to_title_case("AAKASH GIRI") 'Aakash Giri' >>> sentence_to_title_case("aAkAsH gIrI") 'Aakash Giri' """ return " ".join(to_title_case(word) for word in input_str.split()) if __name__ == "__main__": from doctest import testmod testmod()