import numpy as np def power_iteration( input_matrix: np.ndarray, vector: np.ndarray, error_tol: float = 1e-12, max_iterations: int = 100, ) -> tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Power Iteration. Find the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of matrix input_matrix given a random vector in the same space. Will work so long as vector has component of largest eigenvector. input_matrix must be either real or Hermitian. Input input_matrix: input matrix whose largest eigenvalue we will find. Numpy array. np.shape(input_matrix) == (N,N). vector: random initial vector in same space as matrix. Numpy array. np.shape(vector) == (N,) or (N,1) Output largest_eigenvalue: largest eigenvalue of the matrix input_matrix. Float. Scalar. largest_eigenvector: eigenvector corresponding to largest_eigenvalue. Numpy array. np.shape(largest_eigenvector) == (N,) or (N,1). >>> import numpy as np >>> input_matrix = np.array([ ... [41, 4, 20], ... [ 4, 26, 30], ... [20, 30, 50] ... ]) >>> vector = np.array([41,4,20]) >>> power_iteration(input_matrix,vector) (79.66086378788381, array([0.44472726, 0.46209842, 0.76725662])) """ # Ensure matrix is square. assert np.shape(input_matrix)[0] == np.shape(input_matrix)[1] # Ensure proper dimensionality. assert np.shape(input_matrix)[0] == np.shape(vector)[0] # Ensure inputs are either both complex or both real assert np.iscomplexobj(input_matrix) == np.iscomplexobj(vector) is_complex = np.iscomplexobj(input_matrix) if is_complex: # Ensure complex input_matrix is Hermitian assert np.array_equal(input_matrix, input_matrix.conj().T) # Set convergence to False. Will define convergence when we exceed max_iterations # or when we have small changes from one iteration to next. convergence = False lambda_previous = 0 iterations = 0 error = 1e12 while not convergence: # Multiple matrix by the vector. w =, vector) # Normalize the resulting output vector. vector = w / np.linalg.norm(w) # Find rayleigh quotient # (faster than usual b/c we know vector is normalized already) vectorH = vector.conj().T if is_complex else vector.T lambda_ =,, vector)) # Check convergence. error = np.abs(lambda_ - lambda_previous) / lambda_ iterations += 1 if error <= error_tol or iterations >= max_iterations: convergence = True lambda_previous = lambda_ if is_complex: lambda_ = np.real(lambda_) return lambda_, vector def test_power_iteration() -> None: """ >>> test_power_iteration() # self running tests """ real_input_matrix = np.array([[41, 4, 20], [4, 26, 30], [20, 30, 50]]) real_vector = np.array([41, 4, 20]) complex_input_matrix = real_input_matrix.astype(np.complex128) imag_matrix = np.triu(1j * complex_input_matrix, 1) complex_input_matrix += imag_matrix complex_input_matrix += -1 * imag_matrix.T complex_vector = np.array([41, 4, 20]).astype(np.complex128) for problem_type in ["real", "complex"]: if problem_type == "real": input_matrix = real_input_matrix vector = real_vector elif problem_type == "complex": input_matrix = complex_input_matrix vector = complex_vector # Our implementation. eigen_value, eigen_vector = power_iteration(input_matrix, vector) # Numpy implementation. # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors using built-in numpy # eigh (eigh used for symmetric or hermetian matrices). eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(input_matrix) # Last eigenvalue is the maximum one. eigen_value_max = eigen_values[-1] # Last column in this matrix is eigenvector corresponding to largest eigenvalue. eigen_vector_max = eigen_vectors[:, -1] # Check our implementation and numpy gives close answers. assert np.abs(eigen_value - eigen_value_max) <= 1e-6 # Take absolute values element wise of each eigenvector. # as they are only unique to a minus sign. assert np.linalg.norm(np.abs(eigen_vector) - np.abs(eigen_vector_max)) <= 1e-6 if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() test_power_iteration()