Project Euler Problem 234: https://projecteuler.net/problem=234

For any integer n, consider the three functions

f1,n(x,y,z) = x^(n+1) + y^(n+1) - z^(n+1)
f2,n(x,y,z) = (xy + yz + zx)*(x^(n-1) + y^(n-1) - z^(n-1))
f3,n(x,y,z) = xyz*(xn-2 + yn-2 - zn-2)

and their combination

fn(x,y,z) = f1,n(x,y,z) + f2,n(x,y,z) - f3,n(x,y,z)

We call (x,y,z) a golden triple of order k if x, y, and z are all rational numbers
of the form a / b with 0 < a < b ≤ k and there is (at least) one integer n,
so that fn(x,y,z) = 0.

Let s(x,y,z) = x + y + z.
Let t = u / v be the sum of all distinct s(x,y,z) for all golden triples
(x,y,z) of order 35.
All the s(x,y,z) and t must be in reduced form.

Find u + v.


By expanding the brackets it is easy to show that
fn(x, y, z) = (x + y + z) * (x^n + y^n - z^n).

Since x,y,z are positive, the requirement fn(x, y, z) = 0 is fulfilled if and
only if x^n + y^n = z^n.

By Fermat's Last Theorem, this means that the absolute value of n can not
exceed 2, i.e. n is in {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}. We can eliminate n = 0 since then the
equation would reduce to 1 + 1 = 1, for which there are no solutions.

So all we have to do is iterate through the possible numerators and denominators
of x and y, calculate the corresponding z, and check if the corresponding numerator and
denominator are integer and satisfy 0 < z_num < z_den <= 0. We use a set "uniquq_s"
to make sure there are no duplicates, and the fractions.Fraction class to make sure
we get the right numerator and denominator.


from fractions import Fraction
from math import gcd, sqrt
from typing import Tuple

def is_sq(number: int) -> bool:
    Check if number is a perfect square.

    >>> is_sq(1)
    >>> is_sq(1000001)
    >>> is_sq(1000000)
    sq: int = int(number ** 0.5)
    return number == sq * sq

def add_three(
    x_num: int, x_den: int, y_num: int, y_den: int, z_num: int, z_den: int
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Given the numerators and denominators of three fractions, return the
    numerator and denominator of their sum in lowest form.
    >>> add_three(1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)
    (1, 1)
    >>> add_three(2, 5, 4, 11, 12, 3)
    (262, 55)
    top: int = x_num * y_den * z_den + y_num * x_den * z_den + z_num * x_den * y_den
    bottom: int = x_den * y_den * z_den
    hcf: int = gcd(top, bottom)
    top //= hcf
    bottom //= hcf
    return top, bottom

def solution(order: int = 35) -> int:
    Find the sum of the numerator and denominator of the sum of all s(x,y,z) for
    golden triples (x,y,z) of the given order.

    >>> solution(5)
    >>> solution(10)
    >>> solution(20)
    unique_s: set = set()
    hcf: int
    total: Fraction = Fraction(0)
    fraction_sum: Tuple[int, int]

    for x_num in range(1, order + 1):
        for x_den in range(x_num + 1, order + 1):
            for y_num in range(1, order + 1):
                for y_den in range(y_num + 1, order + 1):
                    # n=1
                    z_num = x_num * y_den + x_den * y_num
                    z_den = x_den * y_den
                    hcf = gcd(z_num, z_den)
                    z_num //= hcf
                    z_den //= hcf
                    if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
                        fraction_sum = add_three(
                            x_num, x_den, y_num, y_den, z_num, z_den

                    # n=2
                    z_num = (
                        x_num * x_num * y_den * y_den + x_den * x_den * y_num * y_num
                    z_den = x_den * x_den * y_den * y_den
                    if is_sq(z_num) and is_sq(z_den):
                        z_num = int(sqrt(z_num))
                        z_den = int(sqrt(z_den))
                        hcf = gcd(z_num, z_den)
                        z_num //= hcf
                        z_den //= hcf
                        if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
                            fraction_sum = add_three(
                                x_num, x_den, y_num, y_den, z_num, z_den

                    # n=-1
                    z_num = x_num * y_num
                    z_den = x_den * y_num + x_num * y_den
                    hcf = gcd(z_num, z_den)
                    z_num //= hcf
                    z_den //= hcf
                    if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
                        fraction_sum = add_three(
                            x_num, x_den, y_num, y_den, z_num, z_den

                    # n=2
                    z_num = x_num * x_num * y_num * y_num
                    z_den = (
                        x_den * x_den * y_num * y_num + x_num * x_num * y_den * y_den
                    if is_sq(z_num) and is_sq(z_den):
                        z_num = int(sqrt(z_num))
                        z_den = int(sqrt(z_den))
                        hcf = gcd(z_num, z_den)
                        z_num //= hcf
                        z_den //= hcf
                        if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
                            fraction_sum = add_three(
                                x_num, x_den, y_num, y_den, z_num, z_den

    for num, den in unique_s:
        total += Fraction(num, den)

    return total.denominator + total.numerator

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"{solution() = }")