from __future__ import annotations from import Iterator from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any @dataclass class Node: data: Any next_node: Node | None = None @dataclass class LinkedList: head: Node | None = None def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: """ >>> linked_list = LinkedList() >>> list(linked_list) [] >>> linked_list.push(0) >>> tuple(linked_list) (0,) """ node = self.head while node: yield node = node.next_node def __len__(self) -> int: """ >>> linked_list = LinkedList() >>> len(linked_list) 0 >>> linked_list.push(0) >>> len(linked_list) 1 """ return sum(1 for _ in self) def push(self, new_data: Any) -> None: """ Add a new node with the given data to the beginning of the Linked List. Args: new_data (Any): The data to be added to the new node. Returns: None Examples: >>> linked_list = LinkedList() >>> linked_list.push(5) >>> linked_list.push(4) >>> linked_list.push(3) >>> linked_list.push(2) >>> linked_list.push(1) >>> list(linked_list) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] """ new_node = Node(new_data) new_node.next_node = self.head self.head = new_node def swap_nodes(self, node_data_1: Any, node_data_2: Any) -> None: """ Swap the positions of two nodes in the Linked List based on their data values. Args: node_data_1: Data value of the first node to be swapped. node_data_2: Data value of the second node to be swapped. Note: If either of the specified data values isn't found then, no swapping occurs. Examples: When both values are present in a linked list. >>> linked_list = LinkedList() >>> linked_list.push(5) >>> linked_list.push(4) >>> linked_list.push(3) >>> linked_list.push(2) >>> linked_list.push(1) >>> list(linked_list) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> linked_list.swap_nodes(1, 5) >>> tuple(linked_list) (5, 2, 3, 4, 1) When one value is present and the other isn't in the linked list. >>> second_list = LinkedList() >>> second_list.push(6) >>> second_list.push(7) >>> second_list.push(8) >>> second_list.push(9) >>> second_list.swap_nodes(1, 6) is None True When both values are absent in the linked list. >>> second_list = LinkedList() >>> second_list.push(10) >>> second_list.push(9) >>> second_list.push(8) >>> second_list.push(7) >>> second_list.swap_nodes(1, 3) is None True When linkedlist is empty. >>> second_list = LinkedList() >>> second_list.swap_nodes(1, 3) is None True Returns: None """ if node_data_1 == node_data_2: return node_1 = self.head while node_1 and != node_data_1: node_1 = node_1.next_node node_2 = self.head while node_2 and != node_data_2: node_2 = node_2.next_node if node_1 is None or node_2 is None: return # Swap the data values of the two nodes, =, if __name__ == "__main__": """ Python script that outputs the swap of nodes in a linked list. """ from doctest import testmod testmod() linked_list = LinkedList() for i in range(5, 0, -1): linked_list.push(i) print(f"Original Linked List: {list(linked_list)}") linked_list.swap_nodes(1, 4) print(f"Modified Linked List: {list(linked_list)}") print("After swapping the nodes whose data is 1 and 4.")