""" Fast Polynomial Multiplication using radix-2 fast Fourier Transform. """ import mpmath # for roots of unity import numpy as np class FFT: """ Fast Polynomial Multiplication using radix-2 fast Fourier Transform. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooley%E2%80%93Tukey_FFT_algorithm#The_radix-2_DIT_case For polynomials of degree m and n the algorithms has complexity O(n*logn + m*logm) The main part of the algorithm is split in two parts: 1) __DFT: We compute the discrete fourier transform (DFT) of A and B using a bottom-up dynamic approach - 2) __multiply: Once we obtain the DFT of A*B, we can similarly invert it to obtain A*B The class FFT takes two polynomials A and B with complex coefficients as arguments; The two polynomials should be represented as a sequence of coefficients starting from the free term. Thus, for instance x + 2*x^3 could be represented as [0,1,0,2] or (0,1,0,2). The constructor adds some zeros at the end so that the polynomials have the same length which is a power of 2 at least the length of their product. Example: Create two polynomials as sequences >>> A = [0, 1, 0, 2] # x+2x^3 >>> B = (2, 3, 4, 0) # 2+3x+4x^2 Create an FFT object with them >>> x = FFT(A, B) Print product >>> x.product # 2x + 3x^2 + 8x^3 + 4x^4 + 6x^5 [(-0+0j), (2+0j), (3+0j), (8+0j), (6+0j), (8+0j)] __str__ test >>> print(x) A = 0*x^0 + 1*x^1 + 2*x^0 + 3*x^2 B = 0*x^2 + 1*x^3 + 2*x^4 A*B = 0*x^(-0+0j) + 1*x^(2+0j) + 2*x^(3+0j) + 3*x^(8+0j) + 4*x^(6+0j) + 5*x^(8+0j) """ def __init__(self, poly_a=None, poly_b=None): # Input as list self.polyA = list(poly_a or [0])[:] self.polyB = list(poly_b or [0])[:] # Remove leading zero coefficients while self.polyA[-1] == 0: self.polyA.pop() self.len_A = len(self.polyA) while self.polyB[-1] == 0: self.polyB.pop() self.len_B = len(self.polyB) # Add 0 to make lengths equal a power of 2 self.c_max_length = int( 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(len(self.polyA) + len(self.polyB) - 1)) ) while len(self.polyA) < self.c_max_length: self.polyA.append(0) while len(self.polyB) < self.c_max_length: self.polyB.append(0) # A complex root used for the fourier transform self.root = complex(mpmath.root(x=1, n=self.c_max_length, k=1)) # The product self.product = self.__multiply() # Discrete fourier transform of A and B def __dft(self, which): dft = [[x] for x in self.polyA] if which == "A" else [[x] for x in self.polyB] # Corner case if len(dft) <= 1: return dft[0] # next_ncol = self.c_max_length // 2 while next_ncol > 0: new_dft = [[] for i in range(next_ncol)] root = self.root**next_ncol # First half of next step current_root = 1 for j in range(self.c_max_length // (next_ncol * 2)): for i in range(next_ncol): new_dft[i].append(dft[i][j] + current_root * dft[i + next_ncol][j]) current_root *= root # Second half of next step current_root = 1 for j in range(self.c_max_length // (next_ncol * 2)): for i in range(next_ncol): new_dft[i].append(dft[i][j] - current_root * dft[i + next_ncol][j]) current_root *= root # Update dft = new_dft next_ncol = next_ncol // 2 return dft[0] # multiply the DFTs of A and B and find A*B def __multiply(self): dft_a = self.__dft("A") dft_b = self.__dft("B") inverce_c = [[dft_a[i] * dft_b[i] for i in range(self.c_max_length)]] del dft_a del dft_b # Corner Case if len(inverce_c[0]) <= 1: return inverce_c[0] # Inverse DFT next_ncol = 2 while next_ncol <= self.c_max_length: new_inverse_c = [[] for i in range(next_ncol)] root = self.root ** (next_ncol // 2) current_root = 1 # First half of next step for j in range(self.c_max_length // next_ncol): for i in range(next_ncol // 2): # Even positions new_inverse_c[i].append( ( inverce_c[i][j] + inverce_c[i][j + self.c_max_length // next_ncol] ) / 2 ) # Odd positions new_inverse_c[i + next_ncol // 2].append( ( inverce_c[i][j] - inverce_c[i][j + self.c_max_length // next_ncol] ) / (2 * current_root) ) current_root *= root # Update inverce_c = new_inverse_c next_ncol *= 2 # Unpack inverce_c = [round(x[0].real, 8) + round(x[0].imag, 8) * 1j for x in inverce_c] # Remove leading 0's while inverce_c[-1] == 0: inverce_c.pop() return inverce_c # Overwrite __str__ for print(); Shows A, B and A*B def __str__(self): a = "A = " + " + ".join( f"{coef}*x^{i}" for coef, i in enumerate(self.polyA[: self.len_A]) ) b = "B = " + " + ".join( f"{coef}*x^{i}" for coef, i in enumerate(self.polyB[: self.len_B]) ) c = "A*B = " + " + ".join( f"{coef}*x^{i}" for coef, i in enumerate(self.product) ) return "\n".join((a, b, c)) # Unit tests if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()