"""pseudo-code""" """ DIJKSTRA(graph G, start vertex s,destination vertex d): // all nodes initially unexplored let H = min heap data structure, initialized with 0 and s [here 0 indicates the distance from start vertex] while H is non-empty: remove the first node and cost of H, call it U and cost if U is not explored mark U as explored if U is d: return cost // total cost from start to destination vertex for each edge(U, V): c=cost of edge(u,V) // for V in graph[U] if V unexplored: next=cost+c add next,V to H (at the end) """ import heapq def dijkstra(graph, start, end): heap = [(0, start)] # cost from start node,end node visited = set() while heap: (cost, u) = heapq.heappop(heap) if u in visited: continue visited.add(u) if u == end: return cost for v, c in G[u]: if v in visited: continue next = cost + c heapq.heappush(heap, (next, v)) return (-1, -1) G = {'A': [['B', 2], ['C', 5]], 'B': [['A', 2], ['D', 3], ['E', 1]], 'C': [['A', 5], ['F', 3]], 'D': [['B', 3]], 'E': [['B', 1], ['F', 3]], 'F': [['C', 3], ['E', 3]]} shortDistance = dijkstra(G, 'E', 'C') print(shortDistance)