""" This is a pure Python implementation of the P-Series algorithm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_series_(mathematics)#P-series For doctests run following command: python -m doctest -v p_series.py or python3 -m doctest -v p_series.py For manual testing run: python3 p_series.py """ from __future__ import annotations def p_series(nth_term: int | float | str, power: int | float | str) -> list[str]: """ Pure Python implementation of P-Series algorithm :return: The P-Series starting from 1 to last (nth) term Examples: >>> p_series(5, 2) ['1', '1 / 4', '1 / 9', '1 / 16', '1 / 25'] >>> p_series(-5, 2) [] >>> p_series(5, -2) ['1', '1 / 0.25', '1 / 0.1111111111111111', '1 / 0.0625', '1 / 0.04'] >>> p_series("", 1000) [''] >>> p_series(0, 0) [] >>> p_series(1, 1) ['1'] """ if nth_term == "": return [""] nth_term = int(nth_term) power = int(power) series: list[str] = [] for temp in range(int(nth_term)): series.append(f"1 / {pow(temp + 1, int(power))}" if series else "1") return series if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() nth_term = int(input("Enter the last number (nth term) of the P-Series")) power = int(input("Enter the power for P-Series")) print("Formula of P-Series => 1+1/2^p+1/3^p ..... 1/n^p") print(p_series(nth_term, power))