""" wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anagram """ def check_anagrams(first_str: str, second_str: str) -> bool: """ Two strings are anagrams if they are made of the same letters arranged differently (ignoring the case). >>> check_anagrams('Silent', 'Listen') True >>> check_anagrams('This is a string', 'Is this a string') True >>> check_anagrams('This is a string', 'Is this a string') True >>> check_anagrams('There', 'Their') False """ return ( "".join(sorted(first_str.lower())).strip() == "".join(sorted(second_str.lower())).strip() ) if __name__ == "__main__": from doctest import testmod testmod() input_A = input("Enter the first string ").strip() input_B = input("Enter the second string ").strip() status = check_anagrams(input_A, input_B) print(f"{input_A} and {input_B} are {'' if status else 'not '}anagrams.")