""" This is a python implementation for questions involving task assignments between people. Here Bitmasking and DP are used for solving this. Question :- We have N tasks and M people. Each person in M can do only certain of these tasks. Also a person can do only one task and a task is performed only by one person. Find the total no of ways in which the tasks can be distributed. """ from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict class AssignmentUsingBitmask: def __init__(self,task_performed,total): self.total_tasks = total #total no of tasks (N) # DP table will have a dimension of (2^M)*N # initially all values are set to -1 self.dp = [[-1 for i in range(total+1)] for j in range(2**len(task_performed))] self.task = defaultdict(list) #stores the list of persons for each task #finalmask is used to check if all persons are included by setting all bits to 1 self.finalmask = (1< self.total_tasks: return 0 #if case already considered if self.dp[mask][taskno]!=-1: return self.dp[mask][taskno] # Number of ways when we dont this task in the arrangement total_ways_util = self.CountWaysUtil(mask,taskno+1) # now assign the tasks one by one to all possible persons and recursively assign for the remaining tasks. if taskno in self.task: for p in self.task[taskno]: # if p is already given a task if mask & (1<